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Re: Compose characters in X

>>>>> Yves Arrouye writes:

  Yves>   - one user under VIP couldn't search because / is a prefix
  Yves>   key too :-(

Look at the function iso-accents-customize.  Here's what I set up for

; put this in site-start.el or in .emacs
    (setq iso-languages
	  (cons '("german" (?\" (?A . ?Ä) (?O . ?Ö) (?U . ?Ü)
				(?a . ?ä) (?o . ?ö) (?u . ?ü)
				(?s . ?ß) (?< . ?«) (?> . ?»)))
    (iso-accents-customize "german")))

But I think the default value of iso-languages has a value for french,
just German was missing -- let this be for the benefit of the German
readers of this mailing list...

What's a signature?

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