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Re: xconsole messages

 I have had system log messages in my Xconsole for several months now,
and I never made a fifo file for it.

 In my syslog.conf, I send output to  "/dev/console"
                                  NOT "|/dev/xconsole"

 And start xconsole from my FVWM2 initfunction, with the only
commandline options being color and geometry.

 It works fine.  I can see the progress of PPP connections, see MARK
messages, and make buttons write command output to >/dev/console.

 What is the advantage of making a named pipe and going through all
that when it works fine in this straightforward manner?

 Syslogd is started once at boot from the rc.d files, and I never have
to HUP it.  Xconsole is started AFTER the users xsession begins, from
inside the .fvwm2rc using an exec commandline.


<karlheg@teleport.com> Portland, Oregon, USA
   Linux 1.2.13 ELF                         
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