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ppp not stable

hello everyone:

i'm running ppp to dial in to an internet service provider.  for some reason,
the ppp connect is very jumpy. i have a generic 28.8 modem and in my chat
string, i send ' ATZ OK ATDTXXXXXXX CONNECT ..... ' the connection is just
not very stable.  on the other hand, it works fine with minicom dialing in
to school's dialup connection or the ppp connection through windows nt. 
does anyone have similar problems or word of wisdom? any help is appreciated.

thanx again

  \__/    Junebug | email: jun.ying@gtri.gatech.edu |                   \__/
  (o-)    URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~mikes/jun/junebug.html        (--) 
 //||\\   Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Einstein    //||\\ 
   Bug    Rule #1: Don't sweat the small stuff.                         Bug
 winking  Rule #2: It's all small stuff!     -- Dr. Michael Mantell   sleeping

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