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Re: installation types (tape ?)

Dear Daniel Quinlan, in a message to me you wrote:"
!kilroy@ms.uky.edu writes:
!> 2. This person wanted to install from a tape, ....

[deleted text]

I (painlessly) installed the basesystem (rootdisk+basedsk1+basedisk2).
I thought I could install from tape afterwards, however /dev/rmt0
isn't known. Do I have to install from floppy? I sure don't hope so.
     ____/                Ger Timmens, AZU E 02.222, Heidelberglaan 100, 
    /      ___/  _ \     3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 
   / --/  _/    / _/    e-mail: ger@cv.ruu.nl, or timmens@cs.unc.edu
 _____/  ___/ _/ _\    phone: +31-30-506711/507772, fax: +31-30-513399

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