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Re: [Gimp] Cómo mover varias capas a la vez

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Anibal Fenoglio wrote:
> El vie, 14-10-2005 a las 10:10 -0300, Ricardo Frydman Eureka! escribió:
>>Recomiendo un excelente libro disponible para gimp (lamentablemente solo
>>lo vi en ingles..si alguien lo traduce o conoce en español, por favor avise)
>># sudo aptitude show grokking-the gimp
>                                    ^-- ?

ni idea que sera, pero en mi ubuntu, muestra 2 cosas diferentes con el
"-" y sin el "-". Alguien en Debian podria probar? Anibal?

> $ apt-cache show grokking-the-gimp       
> Package: grokking-the-gimp
> Priority: optional
> Section: non-free/doc
> Installed-Size: 23543
> Maintainer: Aaron Isotton <aaron@isotton.com>
> Architecture: all
> Version: 1.0-1
> Recommends: www-browser
> Suggests: gimp
> Filename:
> pool/non-free/g/grokking-the-gimp/grokking-the-gimp_1.0-1_all.deb
> Size: 21986664
> MD5sum: 1e74567b2a02e15646579fe73167cae9
> Description: GIMP tutorial book by Carey Bunks (HTML)
>  This is the HTML version of "Grokking the GIMP", an excellent
>  introduction to the GIMP and to image processing in general.  It
>  covers the basic GIMP tools, layers, selections, masks, color spaces,
>  color manipulations, photo touch-up and enhancement, compositing,
>  shadows, punch-outs, bevels, and how to use the GIMP to create online
>  content (animated GIFs, clickable image maps etc).
>  .
>  "Grokking the GIMP" is very readable and includes lots of example
>  graphics.
>  .
>  It is recommended that you use a browser with proper support for PNGs
>  to read this book; newer versions of Mozilla (or Galeon) are known to
>  work.

- --
Ricardo A.Frydman
Consultor en Tecnología Open Source - Administrador de Sistemas
jabber: ricardoeureka@gmail.com - http://www.eureka-linux.com.ar
SIP # 1-747-667-9534
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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