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Problemas al agregar un usuario al sistema

Que tal lista, al tratar de agregar un usuario al sistema (como root,
claro) me da el siguiente error:

Adding user chazaro...
Adding new group chazaro (1003).
groupadd: unable to lock group file
adduser: `groupadd -g 1003 chazaro' returned error code 10.  Aborting.
Cleaning up.
Removing group `chazaro'.
groupdel: group chazaro does not exist

o con useradd:

useradd: unable to lock password file

Alguien sabe a que se deba esto? Gracias por la ayuda.  :)

Mauricio Téllez Jiménez
Facultad de Informática UV

Programming today is a race between software engineers
striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs
and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning.
                                         Richard Cook

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