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Re: Re: Ayuda con ipfwadm

    Disculpame, yo te dije que te fijaras en "lredir" y en realidad,
el paquete es "redir".
    Si tenes debian, podes hacer simplemente:
 # apt-get install redir
    En otro caso, bajate el source y compilalo, lo podes encontrar
en :


(te tiene que funcionar sin problemas con los kernel 2.0.x ya que es
un paquete bastante viejo)


Redir v.0.7

redir is a tcp port redirector for unix.
It can run under inetd or stand alone (in which case it handles
multiple connections).  Its 8 bit clean, not limited to line
mode, is small and light.

If you want access control run it under xinetd, or inetd with tcp
wrappers.  Or you could use the tcp wrapper library to extend it and
do fancy access control - if so please let me know.

redir is released under GPL.

 Nigel Metheringham
 30 June, 1996


[Original readme from version 0.5]

If you liked daemon, you'll LOVE redir!

Redir, the fully functional (but only in line mode) port redirector for
unix!  (yeah!  WOOOO!).  Basically, it's like tredir.   But hacked from
daemon.  And poorly written.   But, hey, it dodges firewalls, and THAT's
the important part.  I think.  Oh, fuck it.  Look, it's useful.   Good
for dynamic IP, too.   Trust me, it is.

usage: redir [remote-host] listen_port connect_port

The syntax is a little clumsy, but it works.

compile with make redir or gcc redir.c -o redir

comments/bugs/flames to sammy@freenet.akron.oh.us

(please, write if you use the program!)


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