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Re: ¿Timeout en GPG? (Script de Bash)

Bueno, bueno, bueno, aquí está la solución.
La reenvío por si resulta de interés a alguien.

----- Forwarded message from Juantomás García <juantomas@lared.es> -----

Santiago Vila dijo:
> Si averiguas como lanzar un proceso y saber el pid cuentanoslo, me
> interesa :-)

"$!" no es un smiley, es el número del proceso en backgound 
;-)))) ;-))))
la shell funcionando
dime si hay algo que no entiendes ;-)


   # TMOUT=3            useless in a script

   TIMELIMIT=3  # Three seconds in this instance, may be set to different

     if [ $answer = TIMEOUT ]
       echo $answer
     else       # Don't want to mix up the two instances.
       echo "Your favorite veggie is $answer"
       kill $!  # Kills no longer needed TimerOn function running in
                # background.
                # $! is PID of last job running in background.


     sleep $TIMELIMIT && kill -s 14 $$ &
   # Waits 3 seconds, then sends sigalarm to script.

     exit 14

   trap Int14Vector 14
   # Timer interrupt - 14 - subverted for our purposes.

   echo "What is your favorite vegetable "
   read answer

   # Admittedly, this is a kludgy implementation of timed input,
   # but pretty much as good as can be done with Bash.
   # (Challenge to reader: come up with something better.)

   # If you need something a bit more elegant...
   # consider writing the application in C or C++,
   # using appropriate library functions, such as 'alarm' and 'setitimer'.

   exit 0

----- End forwarded message -----

Gracias, mil gracias a todos :-)
Precioso es script que me va a quedar :-)))

        I stole all those good days, that's why they were taken away from me,
 .''`.  and they were replaced by the ones I deserve. 
: :' :                               Speaker for the dead - Orson Scott Card
`. `'          Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.9)  
  `-        www.amayita.com  www.malapecora.com  www.chicasduras.com
      Listening to %s

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