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Ajuda na configuração de fetchmail

Olá pessoal,

Tinha um servidor suse 10.0 funcionando normal com o fetchmail, agora migrei para o Debian etch e ao iniciar o fetchmail me aparece o seguinte erro:

/etc/init.d/fetchmail restart
Shutting down fetchmail                                                                                                                           done
Invalid polling interval specified: '', using default: 60
Starting fetchmailFile /etc/fetchmailrc must be owned by you.
startproc:  exit status of parent of /usr/bin/fetchmail: 6

set postmaster "root"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set daemon 60
poll pop3.dominio.com.br proto pop3 uidl
        user "meunome@dominio.com.br" there with password 'minhasenha' is 'meunome' here

O que pode ser?

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