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Re: Unidentified subject!

Icarus wrote:

Faço parte da lista:
Tenho problemas na lista. Escrevo, escrevo, e minhas msgs não são publicadas. Já escreví também ao endereço (listmaster@lists.debian.org) q consta no fim das msgs relatando o fato, porém sem resultado. Outra coisa que eu gostaria de configurar é o envio. Eu gostaria de receber um e-mail somente diário com todas as mensagens do dia. Alguém poderia escrever o fato relatando à própria lista, ou quem sabe com algum adm?

Um texto que eu recibi um tempo atras falando sobre o resumo diário. Tá em ingles, mas acho que dá p/ captar a ideia...

Q3.  How to I get the list in digest form instead of separate emails?
A3.  We don't offer digested lists for several reasons:
	1) Most of our lists (especially this one) are far to large to
	   make digests useful.  Are you really going to read an ~500K
	   email once per day?  Yes, it's the same amount that you
	   would receive on as separate mail but it's easy to delete
	   or skip messages that don't interest you in that case; it's
	   not with a digest.

	2) In our experience, digests tend to decrease the quality of
	   list postings.  They do this by encouraging the sorts of
	   behaviors that are often considered rude or in poor
	   'netiquette': replying to mail with the incorrect subject
	   header or other headers that make it impossible for threaded
	   mail clients to work properly, replying to mail without
	   reading the entire thread first, and probably more.  Of
	   course, people who do things like this are often the cause
	   of huge flame wars about proper netiquette that can go on for
	   days, often with the result of having very helpful and
	   knowledgeable people leaving the list in disgust.

	3) Usually, when people request digests what they are really
	   asking for is a way to keep the list mail from flooding
	   their mailbox and making it harder to find and read non-list
	   mail.  This is a valid concern and one that is best handled
	   with mail filtering, not digests.  If your system is
	   configured to use procmail to deliver mail locally (SuSE's
	   postfix and sendmail packages are) all you need to do is
	   create a file in your home directory named '.procmailrc' that
	   contains something like the following:
		MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail   # where do you keep your mail?
		DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/inbox  # what's you default mail box?
		# if mail is from list put it in $MAILDIR/foo
		* ^X-Mailinglist::.*suse-linux-e

	   Everything else will be placed in $DEFAULT.  By default,
	   procmail creates a normal mbox formatted mail box so if you
	   want to copy the file somewhere (e.g., to a PDA) you only
	   need to, in the above example, copy $MAILDIR/sle.  Of course,
	   procmail is capable of much more than what this simple example
	   shows, so please read procmailrc(5) and procmailex(5) for more


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