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Sybase 7.0+Debian Sarge


Tenho que montar um server com um Banco de Dados Sybase 7.0 no Debian Sarge.

Meu apt achou o seguinte:

jerri:~# apt-cache search sybase
dbishell - Interactive SQL shell with readline support
freetds-dev - MS SQL and Sybase client library (static libs and headers)
libct1 - libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers
libdbd-sqlrelay-perl - SQL Relay Perl DBD API
libdbd-sybase-perl - Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module
libdbix-dbschema-perl - Database-independent schema objects
libfirstworks-sqlr-perl - SQL Relay Perl API
libphp-adodb - The 'adodb' database abstraction layer for php
libsqlrelay-ruby - SQL Relay Ruby API
libsybdb3 - libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers
php4-sqlrelay - SQL Relay PHP API
php4-sybase - Sybase / MS SQL Server module for php4
python-sqlrelay - SQL Relay Python (default version) API
python2.2-sqlrelay - SQL Relay Python 2.2 API
python2.3-sqlrelay - SQL Relay Python 2.3 API
sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
sqlrelay-config-gtk - SQL Relay configuration GTK+ client
sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay Documentation
sqlrelay-freetds - SQL Relay FreeTDS (Sybase and MS SQL Server) connection daemon
sqlrelay-mysql - SQL Relay MySQL connection daemon
sqlrelay-odbc - SQL Relay ODBC connection daemon
sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
sqlrelay-sqlite - SQL Relay for SQLite connection daemon
sqlrelay-test - SQL Relay tests
sqsh - commandline SQL client for MS SQL and Sybase servers
tedia2sql - Converts a Dia diagram to various SQL dialects
zope-sqlrelayda - SQL Relay Zope database adapter

Visto isso, dei uma conversada com o tio Google e ele me disse que existe o tal de "*pike7-sybase_7.0.361-3_i386.deb*" em h*ttp://packages.debian.org/stable/interpreters/pike7-sybase*.


É o Banco Sybase 7.0 esse tal de pike7-sybase_7.0.361-3_i386.deb??
O que é esse pike??
Esse banco é para o sistema de gestão da empresa, vai funcionar será no meu Debian Sarge ou terei que instalar no Woody??

Fico no aguardo de qualquer ajuda!
Obrigado pela atenção...


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