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Problemas com o glademm

Eu tenho tido alguns problemas usando o glademm com o
glade-2 como gerador do arquivo xml.
quando eu uso 
$glade-- project.glade 
ele joga o seguinte output
Found pkg-config version 0.15.0
Generating code for gtk 2.4.13 (pkg-config), gtkmm
2.2.8 (compiled in), [gnomemm 2.0.1 (compiled in)
        gnomeuimm 2.0.0 (compiled in) bonobomm 1.3.5
(compiled in) bonobouimm 1.3.5 (compiled in)]
WARNING: All your widgets are declared as private
members, you won't be
        able to access them unless you raise the
"visibilty" to at least "protected".
Parece estar tudo bem mas quando eu uso o autogen.sh
no final do output aparece o seguinte:
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for gtkmm-2.0 >= 2.2.8... Package gtkmm-2.0
was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'gtkmm-2.0' found

configure: error: Library requirements (gtkmm-2.0 >=
2.2.8) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
environment variable if your libraries are in a
nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
Eu uso o Debian Sarge e instalei tudo com aptitude mas
naum sei porque ainda assim naum funciona.

Frederico Franzosi

Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - Internet rápida e grátis. Instale o discador agora! http://br.acesso.yahoo.com/

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