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Re:RES: Problema com o phpldapadmin

> Já viu os logs do ldap ?

Descobri, o que quer dizer cada log level.


= -1 (enable all debugging LOG_LOCAL4)

Aparece um monte de informacoes, nao da para por na mensagem

= 0 (no debugging)

Nao eh isso que eu quero

= 1 (trace function calls)

daemon_init: 1 listeners to open...
daemon: socket() failed errno=97 (Address family not supported by
daemon: initialized ldap:///
daemon_init: 1 listeners opened
slapd init: initiated server.
slap_sasl_init: initialized!
slapd startup: initiated.
slapd starting

= 2 (debug packet handling)
= 4 (heavy trace debugging)
= 8 (connection management)
= 32 (search filter processing )
= 128 (access control list processing)
= 256 (LDAP Default: stats log connections/operations/results)
= 512 (stats log entries sent)
= 1024 (print communication with shell backends)
= 2048 (print entry parsing debugging)

daemon: socket() failed errno=97 (Address family not supported by
slapd starting

= 16 (print out packets sent and received )
= 64 (configuration file processing )

Varias informacoes, mas nao apareceu a mensagem de erro acima.

 .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
: :'  :  GNU/Linux Debian
`. `'`   Gnupg ID 0x01186BE1

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