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Re: regras pra mailfilter e html

(ele fala sobre barrar msg html no mailfilter)

>c.: 	Procurei na net mas infelismente até agora não encontrei nada. Se por
>c.: acaso encontrar alguma coisa poderia repassar para mim ?!?!?

Bem que eu perguntei, pois ao meu ver não tem como.
Achei que tivesse lido aquila página da lista de mailfilter-user, bom
ela está em inglês... Eu li por cima.
Outra coisa é que uma outra pessoa me disse que a página não funciona, 
e de fato ela não estava "no ar" algumas vezes que tentei. Vou
tentar mandar em anexo, na forma de texto pra quem não pode ler.

Bom, depois de não receber ajuda, o melhor é migrar pra um servidor com
anti-spam. Até uma outra oportunidade de eu tentar querer receber resposta 
e assinar de novo a lista.

Até a todos, obrigado,

Tu não recebe resposta???
(Dica: o melhor é visitar #debian-br do irc.debian.org) 
Neste canal tu pode achar alguém pra dar um mão prontamente, ou depois
de algumas hora. Se o problema for grave vale a pena ficar de plantão às 
madrugadas por horas e dia seguidos, também no final de semana... (a
menos que tenha um amigo na sua cidade pra te salvar...)
Cada um pega o cobertor conforme o frio :)

Email Archive: mailfilter-users (read-only)

.From: Ron Johnson <ron@co...>
.Re: 4 suggestions for simple improvements to MailFilter  
.2003-09-29 09:58

 On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 10:23, Sundial Services wrote:
 > MailFilter is, of course, priceless for us right now.  I'd like to make 3 very 
 > simple suggestions for improvements that I think would make it vastly more 
 > useful to us:
 > [1]  Allow the 'n' of 'TOP messagenumber n' to be user-specifiable.  Currently 
 > it appears to use '0' but many more messages could be filtered if this were a 
 > user-specifiable option.  '25' or '30' would allow many more junk messages to 
 > be detected.
 > [2]  One obvious characteristic of spam-mail, at least for us, is that 
 > spammers always send great numbers of nearly-identically-sized messages and 
 > do so all-at-once.  Therefore, if two messages are identically-sized (or I 
 > would prefer, "identical +/- N bytes") and they don't come from a friend, 
 > they're spam.  Let me delete all of them or choose to keep Z copies.  (Z is 
 > user-specifiable; default 1.)
 > [3]  It might be much more complicated, but it would be nice, if the program 
 > could read the text of messages and compare the number of words they have in 
 > common in the first section.  I envision that this algorithm would parse the 
 > message text for words, promoting words seen more than once and eventually 
 > dropping words seen only once, keeping only so-many words in the pool.  Then 
 > go back and develop a signature based on word occurrence and count, and throw 
 > out dupes.
 Then you'd have SpamAssassin inside mailfilter.
 > [4]  Attachments!  If an attachment matching a certain pattern like "*.EXE" or 
 > "*.SCR" or "*.PHP" could be seen, then it's junk.
 The problem in that the content descriptors for such attachments
 may be *many* (like 200-300) lines into the body of the message,
 and to read so much, while only a fraction of a 150KB swen mail,
 is *all* of most emails, which means that you'd read each email
 twice: once by mailfilter, and once by the process that "really"
 gets the whole email.
 And on a disl-up line, that would just about defeat the purpose
 of mailfilter, it seems to me.
 Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@co...
 Jefferson, LA USA
 "As the night fall does not come at once, neither does 
 oppression. It is in such twilight that we must all be aware of 
 change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting 
 victims of the darkness."
 Justice William O. Douglas


Thread View
Thread 	Author 	Date
4 suggestions for simple improvements to MailFilter	Sundial Services <miker@su...> 	2003-09-29 08:30
      Re: 4 suggestions for simple improvements to MailFilter	Ron Johnson <ron@co...> 	2003-09-29 09:58
            Re: 4 suggestions for simple improvements to MailFilter	Douglas A. Augusto <daaugusto@ya...> 	2003-09-29 17:20
                  Re: 4 suggestions for simple improvements to MailFilter	Til Schubbe <t@gm...> 	2003-09-29 21:41

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