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Re: configurar sylpheed-claws

Quoted by a bunch of cyborg droids
For `Thiago M.Zerbinato [thiagomz] <thiagomz@ig.com.br>' 
On Monday, 02 June 2003 (10:17):

> agora se vc encontrar uma versão compilada na net... me avisa !!! 

	Procurei agora pouco no apt-get.org e encontrei vários backports do Sylpheed
0.8.11 e 0.9.0 para Woody. Se não me engano, tinha algumas do Claws também.

 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro@linuxmag.com.br>
 www.mindcrisis.tk            /||\                 GPG key: 0x062E7976

  Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a bible, and it'll
   probably take him a week or two to eat it all. -- anonymous at usenet.

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