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As coisa param de funcionar!


Estou enviando novamente por que achei algo que nao entendi nada. Deve ser algo brabo...

Esta abaixo de tudo

Uma parte do meu dia tenho que usar windows por causa do meu trabalho, quando volto ao Debian coisas estranhas acontecem. Desta vez foi o mozilla que parou de funcionar.

No desespero desinstalei e re-instalei o mozilla e apareceu a mensagem abaixo, da outra vez que aconteceu tive que reisntalar o sistema.

Alguma luz?

/sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/libdivxencore.so.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.

 This utility is used to prepare ARM/THUMB specific ELF executable files for use with ARM Evaluator-7T BSL firmware. The BSL firmware expects uuencoded binary data, but standard UNIX command 'uuencode' uses a different coding algorithm. The currently used ARM/THUMB cross compiler tools offer only the ELF output format, but binary data is required. The linker base address and physical address of the .data segment must differ in the case of program execution from ROM, because this program segment includes preinitialised but changeable data. Therefore the .data segment is copied from ROM to RAM at boot time. The currently used cross compiler tools do not provide arbitrary physical locations of ELF program segments. This possibly results in ultralarge executable files because the program segments are placed at their logical base addresses. The solution is to give the .data segment an own ELF program header. The GNU tool 'objcopy' may be used to convert ELF executable files to the
  required binary format. But this is complicated due to a wrong base address related segment order (RAM address is lower than ROM address, but .data  segment ought to be the last part of the binary image). And that's why the binary file extraction is done by the 'arm-e7t-bsl-tool'. This additionally offers the chance to give a hind whereto the corresponding binary image has to be placed in the target system memory. ROM images additionally need a special module header. This header is used by the BSL firmware to locate and manage the module.

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