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lilo: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return different

debian:/home/lages# lilo
Warning: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return different
head/sector geometries for BIOS drive 0x80
Warning: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return different
head/sector geometries for BIOS drive 0x81
Added Debian Linux *
Added Red Hat Linux
Added Windows 98

Os amigos tem alguma dica para resolver esse "warning" do lilo?

Obrigado pela especial atenção.
Paz, Vida Longa e Prospere!
  ____   ____   _
 |  _ \ / ___| | |    __ _  __ _  ___  ___  Ronaldo Cardozo Lages
 | |_) | |     | |   / _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ __| E-mail rclages@via-rs.net
 |  _ <| |___  | |__| (_| | (_| |  __/\__ \ ICQ #3640360 [licq 1.2.2]
 |_| \_\\____| |_____\__,_|\__, |\___||___/ Porto Alegre, RS - Brasil
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