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apsfilter print in test page but not when running under lpr


	My machines: one linux print server running smb 2.2 with a
LaserJet 1100A printer and one linux client running apsfilter 6.1.1 under debian testing. Print through smb.

	My printer run very fine under the apsfilterconfig when running
the postinstall test, but when run under lprng 3.8.2, it just don't print.

	I have installed all the  software recommended.

	I don't see no message errors at all.

	when i send it to print some file, i see the gs with the correct
parameters in the "ps aux" command:

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ljet4 -r600x600 -sPAPERSIZE=a4
-sOutputFile=- -_

	, and it burn a lot cpu for a 10 seconds aprox. in my Pentium III 800
client. When it finish, it just don't print.

	I have tested making a .ps file, running under "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER
-sDEVICE=ljet4 -r600x600 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=tmpfile.ljet
xxxs.ps" and sending the tmpfile.ljet with the smbclient command. It
worked perfectly.

	Plz, anyone can help me?

	  Joel Franco Guzmán

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