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Re: duvidas sanadas ;-)

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 08:04:43PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> Pede pra pessoa que escreveu esse advisory te explicar como que um neg?cio
> anunciado dia 23/4/2001 ? corrigido no dia 7/3/2001. Curioso.


?, mas ? s? ir ver o site-lisp do emacs 21 para se ter a resposta... ?
o ahead-in-time-bug-squashing-mode.

Para informa??o geral eis o output do C-h m (para quem usa vi: ^:q!
emacs; A-x ahead-in-time-bug-squashing-mode ; C-h m).

The major mode is described first.
For minor modes, see following pages.

Ahead in Time Bug Squashing Mode
Minor mode for solving bugs before they are discovered.
Like gdb-mode except that it doesn't really need a bug to be present.


key             binding
---             -------
C-c n		give the bug a name
C-c d		find the date when the alreasy solved bug will be
		found (with a prefix it defaults to RMS birthday)
C-c m		mail the advisory to mailing-list specified in
		ahead-bug-mail-list or AHEADBUGMAIL (with prefix: send
		the advisory to to a list not related to the
		advisory's format
C-c s		set severity of the bug
C-c c		direct zippisms to Carlos Laviola
Entry to this mode calls the value of ahead-bug-hook if that variable
is null.


Espero ter ajudado,


Frederico S. Mu?oz		GNU	http://www.gnu.org
fsmunoz@sdf.lonestar.org	Debian	http://www.debian.org

http://sdf.lonestar.org - SDF Public Access Unix Systems

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