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Para Tradutores e Developers Debian READ IT!

Falem meus amigos!!
    Developers principalmente, leiam essa mensagem. Fala de um pacote
    chamado language-env que tem possibilidade de configurar facilmente
    os locales do cara seria algo como o task-lang-pt que o Macan tinha
    sugerido, creio eu... deviamos dar uma olhada e suportar a nossa
    Lingua nesse pacote se for interessante...

----- Forwarded message from Tomohiro KUBOTA <tkubota@riken.go.jp> -----

Please check 'language-env' package.  It has configuration database
for German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

I think the most significant difference between your approach and
my 'language-env' approach is global setting (yours) or per-user
(mine).  Though your approach is more straightforward and easy,
mine is more extensible.  People speaking different languages
can share a machine.

However, I can imagine a future configuration system which a user
can choose global setting (for personal machine) or per-user setting
(for shared machine).

Please check 'language-env'.  I think you will find how complex
configurations are needed for 'exotic' languages such as Japanese.

Though I don't know about configuration of _console_ (because
we cannot configure Linux console for Japanese at all), I think
the ideal console will be sensible to LC_CTYPE locale.  If there
is a small software which loads proper font for LC_CTYPE, we can
invoke it from ~/.bashrc or so on.  I can imagine the software
can automatically invoke UTF-8 mode when needed (of course the
software checks it from LC_CTYPE locale).  If you are interested
in multibyte language, check 'kon2', 'jfbterm', and 'hztty' packages.

Input method is a problem, too.  Some complex languages such as
Japanese and Chinese need a separate input method.  (Keymap is
not sufficient.  Can you imagine a keyboard with thousands of
keys?  Even if there were, it would be difficult to use.)
Though X Window System has its standard for input method (XIM),
there are no standard for console.  Thus, I can hardly imagine
united configuration (choosing) tool for input method.  The
document included in 'language-env' describes about Japanese
input methods.

Though I am not familiar to keymaps, I think it should depends
on what hardware (i.e., keyboard) the system has.  Then it must
be global setting.  Fortunately, the current Debian installer
asks about keyboard.  Can any softwares which need keymap be
configured to use that information?

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
----- End forwarded message -----

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
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