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Re: debian portuguese mailling list

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Lalo Martins wrote:

> On Sep 03, Pedro Vale Lima decided to present us with:
> > 
> > But I guess the name of the list has a mistake. It should be portuguese
> > instead of portugese. Is it possible to correct it?
> hmm aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAArgh... that was a really bad day... and
> now checking my old mail I can even see how it ended up
> happening. It also should have been "debian-portuguese", not
> (yet) "debian-user-portuguese". It _could_ be fixed, but would
> that be good now that it's already in the webpages and list
> archives? (damn sounds like I screwed up again)

Por mim esta' tudo bem assim! Vou guardar este mail e quando alguem
perguntar porque e' que portuguese esta' com erro vou responder que o Lalo
estava num dia mau ;-)

Eu estou a escrever em portugues. A lista e' para ser usada em portugues
nao e'?

E ja' agora, alguem me pode dizer se ja' existem alguns projectos em
curso neste ambito ?


Pedro Vale Lima
Dep. Chemical Eng.
Coimbra University

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