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Linux Counter (FWD)

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 22:09, Onno W. Purbo wrote:

>> http://counter.li.org/bycountry/ID.php
>> Indonesia is no. 135 in the density statistics, with 2.86 users/Mpop;
>> Indonesia needs 140 more users to pass **THAILAND** and become no. 134.
>> Sri Lanka needs 1 more users to pass Indonesia and push it to no. 136.
>> Gua butuh 140 pendaftar lagi, supaya naik ke rangking 134!
>> Pada bantuin dong...

> perlu sosialisasi di mailing list
> tanya-jawab@linux.or.id dong :) ..

TULUNG DONG, ada yang forwarding pesan ini ke

Abdul Latip - Junior Staff - http://people.WebIndonesia.com/dullatip/  -
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