Debian καi mono..
Παρεθέτω ένα αίτημα που έστειλα στο debian-user list καθώς και μια
μικρή συζήτηση στο #debian στο freenode την οποία ξεκίνησα. Χωρίς καμια
διάθεση flameware λέω την άποψή μου και θεωρώ ότι είναι ζήτημα
για το οποία πρέπει να γίνει ψηφοφορία. Υπάρχουν δόξα το θεο ένα σωρο
διανόμες που μπορούν να έχουν όσο
ελαστικά στανταρντ θέλουν ως προς δικαιωματα και την κουλτούρα τους
αλλά νομίζω ότι για μια διανομή σαν το debian πρέπει να προσπαθήσει
ώστε να διατηρήσει την ταυτότητα της.
As a dedicated debian user i want to express my concerns and
worries regarding mono inclusion in main
and i ask for a vote for mono in non-free/main because:
1) I feel like microsoft is not clear about the license issues.
2) MS is a monopoly in desktop OS market and its monopoly aggresive
behavior has been proven
in courts and is evident every day. see netbook market for example.
Wouldnt a pro-ms pro-monopoly move harm the excellent name Debian
has build?
3) Is essential to me and the way i perceive the debian identity to
has a clear position out of middleware rivalries of
multinationals companies not favoring or taking sides.
+1 for a voting procedure.
< chomwitt> is there a schedule for a voting procedure regarding
mono in main vs non-free in the
debian community?
< mutante> chomwitt: :p
<mutante: well , i am from greece. here there is a grandiose
monopoly of ms in the pc
market for 10+ years. so even if silly they are
very powerful silly and thats dangerous.
why debian community wants to tip the scale in
favor a monopoly side in a hypothetical
sun-ms middleware battle? I wont rant or troll, i
just say that a vote seems a logical
procedure in an identity issue like this. Although
not a developer i'm user for many years
i'll continue to be (cause i have the choice to
switch to debian-xfce for example) i just
want to +1 for a voting procedure. Thanks.17:02
< fxiny> chomwitt: do you really belive debian is so dumb ?
<chomwitt> fxiny: i'm not experienced to be frank in the workings
of the developers community and
their thoughts. I just say thats as i perceive the
issue as an outsider it gives the
imperssion thats there is a lack of sensitivity in
that issue. If thats a false impression
of me or hasty one i apologize.
< fxiny> chomwitt: i am a user like you , first time i read about
this mono thing i just laughed . RMS
is wrong
< fxiny> because debian as a project , is smarter then any individual
< cast> in light of RMS being able to use spaces correctly, i'm
finding him more convincing at the
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