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Re: NFS geht nicht mehr, als Client wie als Server

On Sun, 2013-09-29 at 13:00 +0200, Stefan Baur wrote:

> Dann schau doch mal nach Deinen Netzwerkeinstellungen.
> IP-Adressen, Netzmasken, Default Gateway(s), DNS, ...
> Tut denn ein Ping zwischen den beiden Kisten? Von links nach rechts und 
> von rechts nach links?

Klar, alles andere geht ja: DNS, IMAP, SMTP und und und... Bis gestern
lief ja noch alles, ich bin mir keiner Schuld bewusst.
Ich habe allerdings per ifconfig auf Server und Clients den MTU
hochgesetzt (und auch wieder runter). Kann das Spuren hinterlassen
haben? Alle betroffenen Rechner habe ich mittlerweile neu gestartet.



This fellow rushed into a crowded tavern on Saturday night.  Men and women
stood three-deep at the bar.  Our man, who felt nature calling strongly,
looked about him but couldn't see anything that resembled a john.  He saw a
stairway and bounded up the steps to the second floor in his increasingly
desperate search.  Just as his bowels threatened to erupt, he spotted a
one-foot by one-foot hole in the floor.  Now, at the end of his control, he
decided to take advantage of the hole.  He dropped his pants, hunched over it,
and did his thing.  Thoroughly relieved and relaxed, he sauntered down the
steps to find, to his suprise, that the crowded bar was now empty.
	"Hey!" he yelled to the seemingly empty room, "Where is everyone?"
	From behind the bar a voice responded, "Hey!  Where were you when
the shit hit the fan?"

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