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Exim und mehrere Smarthost/Mailprovider - ein Beispiel


aus gegebenem Anlass habe ich mal ein Beispiel zusammengestellt für
einen Exim mit mehren Smarthosts. Und ich finde, soo kompliziert ist das
nun nicht. Ich habe jetzt 60 Minuten gebraucht, um das aufzuschreiben und etwas
zu testen.


    # this is by no way a complete configuration file!
    # it's just intended as a starting point

    # The providers file
    # All relevant information about the smart providers is stored
    # in one place. This place is the "providers" file. The structure
    # is simple. It consists of lines as in the example:
    # # sender     |server[:port]  |user|password
    # # -----------+---------------+----+---------
    # foo@bar.com   foobar.com      foo  secret
    # *@bar.com     bar.com/mx:smtp fuz  secret2
    # *             smtp.gmail.com  xxx  baz

    PROVIDERS = <your file name for the providers file here>

    # some macros to ease the understanding
    ADDRESS_DATA = ${sg{${lookup{$sender_address}lsearch*@{PROVIDERS}}}{\\s+}{\t}}
    SMARTHOST    = ${extract{1}{\x20\t}{$address_data}}
    HOST         = ${extract{1}{:}{SMARTHOST}}
    PORT         = ${extract{2}{:}{SMARTHOST}{$value}{submission}}
    USER         = ${extract{2}{\t}{$address_data}}
    PASS         = ${extract{3}{\t}{$address_data}}

    domainlist local_domains = @

    begin router

    # the first router routes according the sender_address
            driver = manualroute
            address_data = ADDRESS_DATA
            route_data = HOST
            transport = smtp_auth

    # in case you don't have a '*' line in your providers file

            driver = dnslookup
            domains = !+local_domains
            transport = smtp

    begin transport

            driver = smtp
            hosts_require_auth = *
            port = PORT

            driver = smtp

    begin authenticators

            driver = plaintext
            public_name = PLAIN
            client_send = ^USER^PASS

            driver = plaintext
            public_name = LOGIN 
            client_send = :USER:PASS

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
 gnupg encrypted messages are welcome --------------- key ID: 7CBF764A -
 gnupg fingerprint: 9288 F17D BBF9 9625 5ABC  285C 26A9 687E 7CBF 764A -
(gnupg fingerprint: 3061 CFBF 2D88 F034 E8D2  7E92 EE4E AC98 48D0 359B)-

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