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Re: perl + Konfigurationsdatei

High, high ...
* Hans-Dietrich Kirmse <hd.kirmse@gmx.de> schrieb am [29.03.10 06:42]:
> Hallo Kai,
> Kai Wilke schrieb:
> >High, high ...
> >* Hans-Dietrich Kirmse <hd.kirmse@gmx.de> schrieb am [28.03.10 22:46]:
> >>Hallo Kai,
> >>
> >>Kai Wilke schrieb:
> >>>Hallo allerseits,
> >>>
> >>>ich habe ein Problem mit Perl und kenne mich auch nicht in Perl aus.
> >>>Ich möchte das ein gefundenes Perl-Script die Variablen aus einer
> >>>Konfigurationsdatei einliest und nicht im Script definiert sind.
> >>> 


> >Und wie benutze ich jetzt das? Die Ausgaben sind sehr schön, ich weiß
> >nicht wie ich das zuweisen soll. Habe den halben Tag schon damit
> >verbracht, nur weil ich das Script nicht sonderlich ändern will.
> >
> >foreach my $key (keys %meine_daten) {
> >    if ($key = domain_name ) {
> >        $domain_name = $2;
> >    }
> >}
> so benutzen:
> $domain_name = $meine_daten{domain_name};
> $lease_file  = $meine_daten{lease_file};

Geht nicht :(, nicht unter stable und auch nicht unter unstable.
Mhm. Das Debugging ist auch gewöhnungsbedürftig bei perl.

> [...
> Nochetwas - das geht so nicht:
> foreach my $key (keys %meine_daten) {
>     if ($key = domain_name ) {
>         $domain_name = $2;
>     }
> }
> sondern so:
> foreach my $key (keys %meine_daten) {
>     if ($key eq "domain_name" ) {
>         $domain_name = $meine_daten{domain_name};
>     }
> }

Geht auch nicht. Ich glaube langsam das liegt am Script
insgesamt, weswegen ich es mal an die Mail anhänge. Ist nicht
sonderlich groß. Ich habe ein paar Versuche kommentiert und
unkommentiert drinne stehen lassen.

mfg Kiste
Netzworkk                   grml - Linux Live CD fuer Sysadmins
Kai Wilke                   http://grml.org

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Filename:     djb_update.pl
# Description:  Dynamic DNS-DHCP update scrypt
# Author:       Michael Stella
# Created:      November 10, 1998
# Last Updated: December 05, 2002
# Email:        kazin-dhcpdns at my domain - this should be easy
# HomePage:     http://www.thismetalsky.org/magic/projects/dhcp_dns.html
#  This code is Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Michael Stella
#  NO WARRANTY is given for this program.  If it doesn't
#  work on your system, sorry.  If it eats your hard drive,
#  again, sorry.  It works fine on mine.  Good luck!
#  Note the lack of the GPL statement.  I'm done with that, this is free
#  software.  Just let me know if you're using it, I'm curious.
# This script reads a dhcpd.leases file and dynamically updates tinydns with
# hostname and ip information.  
# It assumes that your DHCP server recieves hostnames from the
# clients, and that your clients offer their hostnames to the server.
# Some versions of Linux DHCP clients don't do that.  I use ISC's
# DHCPD, found at http://www.isc.org - though others may work just
# fine.
# As of version 1.0 you MUST use djbdns.  
# 11/23/1998 - fixed the rarp stuff
# 02/23/1999 - added support for multiple subnets
# 02/24/1999 - improved lease file processing
# 04/15/1999 - switched to dynamic DNS update - BIND 8 dynamic capabilities
# 04/18/1999 - improved handling of client hostnames, to catch dumb user
# 				problems improved error handling Thanks to Wayne Roberts
# 				<wroberts1@cx983858-b.orng1.occa.home.com>
# 04/20/1999 - bugfix, error messages now show up correctly.
# 08/24/1999 - switched to using logger for logging to system log files
#              Thanks to Michael Matsumura <michael@limit.org>
# 08/27/1999 - Actually figured out how to update the reverse-lookup zones,
#              Thanks again to Michael Matsumura.
# 02/13/2001 - Ditched BIND, moved to djbdns
# 05/25/2001 - Thanks to Nate Keegan <nate.keegan@cityofprescott.net> - 
# 		       apparently I didn't think to allow configuring the dnscache
# 		       path in the makefile.  That's been fixed.
# 12/05/2002 - Thanks to Ryan VanderBijl <rvbijl-dhcpdns@vanderbijlfamily.com>
#              for noticing that we should make sure that an entry doesn't
#              exist in the static file! 
#              And thanks for writing his own changelog entry to MY code,
#              praising himself.  :)

use strict;

### Globals - you can change these as needed
my $conf_file = "/etc/kwtools/kwdjbdns-update.conf";

### reads the configuration file & makes a hash of what's in there.
sub read_conf_file {
  my %data = ();

  unless (open(CONFFILE,$conf_file)) {
	#`logger -t dns_update.pl error opening configuration file`;
	print STDERR "Can't open configuration file\n";
	exit 1;
  while (<CONFFILE>) {
	  next unless length;
	  my ($var, $value) = split(/\$*=\$*/, $_, 2);
	  $data{$var} = $value;
  close CONFFILE;

  return %data;

my %meine_daten = &read_conf_file;
# zur Kontrolle den Hash ausgeben
#foreach my $key (keys %meine_daten) {
#   print $key, ' ', $meine_daten{$key}, "\n";
foreach my $key (keys %meine_daten) {
    if ($key eq "domain_name" ) {
        $domain_name = $meine_daten{domain_name};
    if ($key eq "lease_file" ) {
        $lease_file = $meine_daten{lease_file};
    if ($key eq "tinydnspath" ) {
        $tinydnspath = $meine_daten{tinydnspath};
    if ($key eq "dhcp_dnsfile" ) {
        $dhcp_dnsfile = $meine_daten{dhcp_dnsfile};
    if ($key eq "static_dnsfile" ) {
        $static_dnsfile = $meine_daten{static_dnsfile};
    if ($key eq "update_freq" ) {
        $update_freq = $meine_daten{update_freq};
    if ($key eq "debug" ) {
        $debug = $meine_daten{debug};
#$domain_name = $meine_daten{domain_name};
#$lease_file  = $meine_daten{lease_file};
#$tinydnspath  = $meine_daten{tinydnspath};
#$dhcp_dnsfile  = $meine_daten{dhcp_dnsfile};
#$static_dnsfile  = $meine_daten{static_dnsfile};
#$update_freq  = $meine_daten{update_freq};
#$debug  = $meine_daten{debug};

# Domain name
#my $domain_name        = "netzworkk.de";
## DHCPD lease file
#my $lease_file         = "/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases";
### where does tinydns stuff live?
#my $tinydnspath        = "/etc/tinydns";
## tinydns text database files
#my $dhcp_dnsfile       = "$tinydnspath/root/dhcp.$domain_name";
#my $static_dnsfile     = "$tinydnspath/root/static.$domain_name";
## number of seconds to check the lease file for updates
#my $update_freq        = 30;
#my $debug = 0;
### Don't mess with anything below unless you REALLY need to modify the
### code.  And if you do, please let me know, I'm always interested in
### in improving this program.

# Make a pid file
`echo $$ > /var/run/djb_update.pid`;

my $logstr;

# last modified time
my $modtime = 0;

use vars qw (%db %static);

my $version = "1.1.0";

# Main Loop
while (1) {

  # check the file's last updated time, if it's been changed, update
  # the DNS and save the modified time.  This will ALWAYS run once - on
  # startup, since $modtime starts at zero.

  my @stats = stat ($lease_file);
  if ($stats[9] > $modtime) {

	# clear the old hash
	undef %db;

	printf STDERR "dhcpd.leases changed - updating DNS\n";
	$modtime = $stats[9];

        ## if error reading static dns file, dont do any update
        next unless (&read_static_dns);  


  # wait till next check time
  sleep $update_freq;

} # end main

## read in the static file,  return 1 if we couldn't
sub read_static_dns {
    %static = (); ## clear the list
    unless (open(DNSFILE, $static_dnsfile)) {
            print STDERR "Can't open static DNS file: won't generate dns from dhcp\n";
            return 0;
    while(defined($_ = <DNSFILE>)) {
            next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/;  # skip comments/blanks
            $static{lc $2} = $3;
    return 1;

### write out the tinydns import file
sub update_dns {
	my ($ip, $hostname);

	unless (open(DNSFILE, ">$dhcp_dnsfile")) {
		print STDERR "Can't open dhcp DNS file\n";

	while (($hostname,$ip) = each (%db)) {
		# in the future, set this to the end of the lease time, 
		# i.e. do some math on that.
		print DNSFILE "=$hostname.$domain_name:$ip:300\n";
	close DNSFILE;

	`cd $tinydnspath/root && make > /dev/null`;

### reads the lease file & makes a hash of what's in there.
sub read_lease_file {

  unless (open(LEASEFILE,$lease_file)) {
	#`logger -t dns_update.pl error opening dhcpd lease file`;
	print STDERR "Can't open lease file\n";

  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
  my $curdate = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",

  ## Loop here, reading from LEASEFILE
  while (<LEASEFILE>) {
	my ($ip, $hostname, $mac, $enddate,$endtime);

	if (/^\s*lease/i) {
	  # find ip address
	  $_ =~ /^\s*lease\s+(\S+)/;
	  $ip = $1;
	  # do the rest of the block - we're interested in hostname,
	  # mac address, and the lease time
	  while ($_ !~ /^}/) {
	    $_ = <LEASEFILE>;
		# find hostname
		if ($_ =~ /^\s*client/i) {
		  #chomp $_;
		  #chop $_;
		  $_ =~ /\"(.*)\"/;
		  $hostname = $1;
		  # change spaces to dash, remove dots - microsoft
		  # really needs to not do this crap
		  $hostname =~ s/\s+/-/g;
		  $hostname =~ s/\.//g;
		# get the lease end date
		elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*ends/i) {
			$_ =~ m/^\s*ends\s+\d\s+([^;]+);/;
			$enddate = $1;
			$enddate =~ s|[/: ]||g;
	  # lowercase it - stupid dhcp clients
	  $hostname = lc $hostname;  

	  ($debug < 1 ) || print STDERR "$hostname $ip $enddate $curdate\n";
          ## if the hostname is defined in the static list, skip it
          if (exists $static{"$hostname.$domain_name"}) {
              print STDERR "Skipping $hostname.$domain_name dhcp dns " .
                           "entry: static entry with same name exists\n";

	  # Store hostname/ip in hash - this way we can do easy dupe checking
	  if (($hostname ne "") and ($enddate > $curdate)) {
              $db{$hostname} = $ip;
  close LEASEFILE;

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