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Re: /var/mail/$user zurück in Maildir holen

On Mo, Mär 26, 2007 at 01:05:29 +0200, Dirk Schleicher wrote:
> Hallo Leute,
> mir ist leider keine bessere Beschreibung eingefallen!
> Im Moment spiele ich mit Postfix, Fetchmail, Procmail und Dovecot rum.
> Ich hatte einen Fehler im Procmailrezept und mir wurden Mails
> in /var/mail/dirk abgelegt. Meine Frege ist nun, wie ich mails die dort
> anfallen in mein Maildirverzeichnis bekomme?

aptitude show mb2md

Beschreibung: Converting Mbox mailboxes to Maildir format A Perl script
that takes one or more Mbox format mailbox files in a directory and
convert them to Maildir format mailboxes.As the Mbox format has some
drawbacks, D. J. Bernstein created the Maildir format when he wrote
Qmail. With the Mbox format all mail of a specific folder is stored as
one large text file.  The Maildir format stores each mail as a separate
file. It is a faster and more efficient way to store mail. It works
particularly well over NFS, which has a long history of locking-related
woes. The Mbox format is used by most of the POP3/IMAP servers, most
mail servers (MTAs) and mail readers (MUAs). The Maildir format is used
by Qmail, Courier-MTA and can be also used as a alternative mail storage
format by Postfix and Exim. A good POP3/IMAP server for Maildirs is
Courier IMAP.

Mb2md.pl does not only convert mailbox files into a Maildir but also the
/var/spool/mail/$USER mailspool file. It is smart enough to not transfer
a dummy message such as the UW IMAPD puts at the start of Mbox mailboxes
- and you could add your own search terms into the script to make it
  ignore other forms of dummy first message.


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