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micq will nicht mehr


Ich kann mich nicht erinnern irgendetwas verstellt zu haben aber seit ein paar Tagen funktioniert mein micq nicht mehr. Wenn ich mich einlogge steht da folgendes:

Your status is offline (online)

Das verstehe ich nicht ganz....und dann erscheint folgende Nachricht sobald ich was schreiben will:

Current session is closed. Try another or open this one.

Ich weiß nicht was hier faul ist...mit einem anderen ICQ Programm (gaim) funktioniert alles.

Hier noch die micqrc:

# This file was generated by mICQ of 17:56:19 Mar  4 2005
# This file was generated on Sun Nov  5 14:25:22 2006

# Character encodings: auto, iso-8859-1, koi8-u, ...
encoding file UTF-8
encoding local ISO-8859-1 # please set your locale correctly instead
format 2

type icq8 auto
version 8
server login.icq.com
port 5190
uin #########von mir geschwärzt ;)
# password
status 0

type remote auto
version 0
server scripting

# Support for SOCKS5 server
s5_use 0
s5_host "[none]"
s5_port 0
# If you need authentication, put 1 for s5_auth and fill your name/password
s5_auth 0
s5_name "[none]"
s5_pass "[none]"

#in seconds
auto_away 600

#For dumb terminals that don't wrap set this.
Screen_Width 0
verbose 0

# Set some simple options.
set delbs      on  # if a DEL char is supposed to be backspace
set funny      off # if you want funny messages
set color      on  # if you want colored messages
set auto       off # if automatic responses are to be sent
set uinprompt off # if the prompt should contain the last uin a message was received from set autosave on # whether the micqrc should be automatically saved on exit
set autofinger off # whether new UINs should be fingered automatically
set linebreak simple # the line break type to be used (simple, break, indent, smart)

options logonoff on logchange on logmess on showonoff on showchange on wantsbl on
options revealtime 600
options autoaway "User is away [Auto-Message]"
options autona "User is not available [Auto-Message]"
options autoocc "User is occupied [Auto-Message]"
options autodnd "User is dnd [Auto-Message]"
options autoffc "User is ffc and wants to chat about everything."
options colornone none
options colorserver red
options colorclient green
options colorerror "red bold"
options colordebug yellow
options colorquote blue
options colorinvchar "red bold"
options colormessage "blue bold"
options colorincoming "cyan bold"
options colorsent "magenta bold"
options colorack "green bold"
options colorcontact "magenta bold"

chat 49          # random chat group; -1 to disable, 49 for mICQ
autoupdate 2    # level of automatic preference updates

logplace history/      # the file or (distinct files in) dir to log to

sound off   # on=beep,off,event
event off

# The strings section - runtime redefinable strings.
# The aliases.

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