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Re: visudo?

Jan Lühr <jluehr@gmx.net> wrote:

> auf mehreren Internetseiten (haupsächlich für Anfänger und ausschließlich bei 
> anderen Disitributionen= wird davor gewarnt die Datei /etc/sudoers mit einem 
> beliebigen Editor zu editieren. Ich habe mir schon vor einiger Zeit meine 
> sudoers ohne Probleme mit joe angelegt.
> Was steht hinter visudo?

,----[ man visudo ]
|        visudo edits the sudoers file in a safe fashion, analogous to
|        vipw(8).
|        visudo locks the sudoers file against multiple simultaneous
|        edits, pro­ vides basic sanity checks, and checks for parse
|        errors.  If the sudoers file is currently being edited you will
|        receive a message to try again later.
|        ...
|        visudo parses the sudoers file after the edit and will not save
|        the changes if there is a syntax error.  Upon finding an error,
|        visudo will print a message stating the line number(s) where
|        the error occurred and the user will receive the "What now?" 
|        prompt.  At this point the user may enter "e" to re-edit the
|        sudoers file, "x" to exit without saving the changes, or "Q" to
|        quit and save changes.  The "Q" option should be used with
|        extreme care because if visudo believes there to be a parse
|        error, so will sudo and no one will be able to sudo again until
|        the error is fixed.  If "e" is typed to edit the sudoers file
|        after a parse error has been detected, the cursor will be
|        placed on the line where the error occurred (if the editor
|        supports this feature).
|        ...
|         /etc/sudoers           List of who can run what
|         /etc/sudoers.tmp       Lock file for visudo

> Warum gibt es diesen Editor bei Woody nicht?

 parse error


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