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Re: Paketversion auswählen

On 06/18/03 20:37 Michael Biebl wrote:
Hallo Martin,

probiers mal mit "apt-get install libc6=2.2.5". Das sollte ein "Downgrade" auf die alte glibc machen. Generell sollte man vorsichtig sein, sich aus testing oder unstable die glibc zu holen. Das kann einem das ganze System durcheinanderbringen.

Mmh, einmal Mist gebaut und schon ist die Kacke am Dampfen ...

Ich wollte also machen:
bart:~# apt-get install --reinstall libc6=2.2.5-11.5

Allerdings kam dann folgendes:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
aalib1 abiword abiword-common abiword-gnome acme acroread acroread-plugin alsa-base alsa-modules-2.4.16-386 alsa-utils alsaconf aptitude ark artsbuilder aspell bash bc bibindex blt bluefish bonobo bonobo-activation bonobo-conf bsdmainutils bug-buddy cramfsprogs cupsomatic-ppd cupsys cvs ddd debhelper defoma dialog docbook-xsl dpkg dvidvi emacsen-common eog esound esound-clients evolution file file-roller fontconfig foomatic-bin foomatic-db ftp gadfly gcc-3.0 gcc-3.2 gconf gconf-editor gconf2 gdb gdk-imlib1 gdk-imlib2 gdm gedit gettext-el gftp gftp-gtk gimp-python gimp1.2 gksu glutg3 gnome-bin gnome-core gnome-gv gnome-libs-data gnome-media gnome-session gnome-spell gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-utils gnome-vfs-extras2 gnome2-user-guide gnumeric gnupg gphoto2 groff-x11 grub gs gs-common gs-esp gsfonts gsfonts-x11 gstreamer-gconf gstreamer-runtime gtk2-engines-cleanice gtk2-engines-crux gtk2-engines-gorilla gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue gtk2-engines-magicchicken gtk2-engines-mist gtk2-engines-pixbuf gtk2-engines-spherecrystal gtk2-engines-thinice gtkhtml guile1.4 guile1.4-slib gv htmlgen hyperlatex iamerican ibritish iconx igerman imlib-base imlib-progs imlib1 info ingerman initrd-tools ispell joe kamera kappfinder kate kate-plugins kbd kcalc kcharselect kcmlinuz kcoloredit kcontrol kcron kdat kdeaddons kdeaddons-kfile-plugins kdeadmin kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-kio-plugins kdegraphics kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs kdelibs-bin kdelibs4 kdenetwork kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd kdeprint kdesktop kdessh kdeutils kdevelop kdevelop-data kdf kdict kdm kdvi kedit kernel-image-2.4.16-386 kernel-package kfax kfind kfloppy kget kghostview kgpgcertmanager khelpcenter khexedit kicker kicker-applets kiconedit kile kit kjots klaptopdaemon klipper kmail kmailcvt kmenuedit kmrml knewsticker knewsticker-scripts knode konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole kooka korn kpackage kpager kpaint kpersonalizer kpf kpovmodeler kppp krdc krfb kruler ksim ksirc ksmserver ksnapshot ksplash ksysguard ksysv ktimer ktip kuickshow kuser kview kviewshell kwin kxconfig kxmlrpc latex2html lbxproxy less libaiksaurusgtk0c102 libarts1 libarts1-mpeglib libartsc0 libbonobo-activation4 libbonobo2-0 libbonobo2-common libbonoboui2-0 libbonoboui2-common libcamel0 libcapplet0 libcdk4 libcdparanoia0 libcupsys2 libdb1-compat libdb3-tcl libdirectfb8 libeel2-2 libeel2-data libefs1 libesd0 libexpat1 libfam0c102 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgail-common libgail17 libgal-data libgal19 libgal23 libgcc1 libgconf11 libgconf2-4 libgcrypt1 libgda2-1 libgda2-common libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2 libgdk-pixbuf2 libggi2 libgii0 libgimp1.2 libgimpprint1 libglade-gnome0 libglade0 libglade2-0 libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome-vfs-common libgnome-vfs0 libgnome2-0 libgnome2-common libgnome32 libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomeprint-bin libgnomeprint-data libgnomeprint15 libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprint2.2-data libgnomeprintui2.2-0 libgnomesupport0 libgnomeui-0 libgnomeui32 libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-common libgnorba27 libgnorbagtk0 libgnutls5 libgpmg1 libgsf-1 libgstreamer0.6-0 libgtk1.2 libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-common libgtkhtml-data libgtkhtml2-0 libgtkhtml20 libgtkxmhtml1 libgucharmap0 libguile9 libguppi16 libgwrapguile1 libkdenetwork2 libkonq4 libkregexpeditor libkscan1 libmng1 libnautilus2-2 libncurses5 liboaf0 libopencdk4 liborbit0 liborbit2 libpanel-applet0 libpanel-applet2-0 libpango1.0-0 libpango1.0-common libperl5.8 libplot libpng12-0 libpng2 libpng3 libpopt0 libpspell-ispell1 libqt2 libqt3 libqt3-mt libqtcups2 libreadline4 librep9 librpm4 librsvg2-2 librsvg2-common libscrollkeeper0 libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-oss libstartup-notification0 libstdc++3 libstdc++5 libtiff3g libungif4g libvte4 libwmf0.2-7 libwnck4 libwpd0 libwraster2 libxaw6 libxaw7 libxft2 libxml-grove-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml-perl libxml-twig-perl libxml1 libxml2 libxslt1 libzvt2 logrotate lynx man-db metacity mkisofs modconf modutils mozilla-browser mozilla-browser-snapshot mozilla-chatzilla mozilla-chatzilla-snapshot mozilla-dom-inspector-snapshot mozilla-mailnews mozilla-mailnews-snapshot mozilla-psm mozilla-psm-snapshot mozilla-xft mpeglib mpg321 msttcorefonts mtr-tiny mutt nano nautilus nautilus-data nautilus-gtkhtml ncurses-bin netpbm noatun noatun-plugins nowebm ntp-simple ntpdate nvi nvidia-glx-src nvidia-kernel-src oaf opera ppp pppconfig pppoe pppoeconf procps proxymngr psfontmgr psmisc pstoedit python python-bobo python-bobopos python-egenix-mxdatetime python-extclass python-gdk-imlib python-gendoc python-glade python-gtk python-imaging python-imaging-sane python-imaging-tk python-kjbuckets python-ldap python-netcdf python-newt python-numeric python-numeric-tutorial python-pmw python-tk python-xml python2.1 python2.1-egenix-mxdatetime python2.1-egenix-mxtools python2.1-imaging python2.1-imaging-sane python2.1-imaging-tk python2.1-kjbuckets python2.1-numeric python2.1-tk python2.1-xml python2.1-xmlbase qtcups quanta rcconf realplayer rep rep-gtk reportbug rpm sawfish scrollkeeper secpolicy sgmltools-lite ssh swish++ sysvinit t1lib1 tcl8.3 tcsh telnet tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-doc tetex-extra tix41 tk8.3 transfig ttf-arphic-bkai00mp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-arphic-gkai00mp ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-xtt-wadalab-gothic ttf-xtt-watanabe-mincho twm util-linux util-linux-locales vim whiptail wmaker x-ttcidfont-conf xaw3dg xbase-clients xdaliclock xemacs21 xemacs21-bin xemacs21-nomule xemacs21-support xfig xfonts-100dpi xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xfonts-75dpi xfonts-75dpi-transcoded xfonts-abi xfonts-base xfonts-konsole xfonts-scalable xfs xfwp xli xlib6g xlibmesa3-gl xlibs xmms xnest xpdf xpdf-reader xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gnome
  xserver-xfree86 xsu xterm xutils xvfb yelp zlib1g
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED
WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
bash libncurses5 (due to bash) dpkg ncurses-bin sysvinit util-linux (due to sysvinit) 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 downgraded, 504 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/3383kB of archives. After unpacking 999MB will be freed.
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To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'

Ich habe schliesslich die Frage nicht mit 'Yes, do as I say!' beantwortet, sondern mit einem ängstlichen 'n' ... :-/

Ich habe auch eingesehen, dass mein System nicht mehr wirklich original woody-Charakter besitzt. Jetzt stellt sich mir nur die Frage, ob ich den Tipp aufnehmen soll, mal kurz einen testing-Eintrag aufzunehmen um libc6-dev zu installieren, oder ob ich gleich ganz auf testing umschwenke, oder ob Michael bei mir vorbei kommt und mir hilft mein woody wiederherzustellen ... ;-)


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