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Re: [HS : AES] était Re: Existe t-il un howto ou un tuto pour chiffre le /home/utilisateur?

Le 24/08/2011 18:39, Jean-Marc Harang a écrit :
> Le 24/08/2011 18:34, tv.debian@googlemail.com a écrit :
>> Ne pas confondre abaissement du seuil de solidité cryptographique
>> théorique et "craquage". AES n'est pas craqué aujourd'hui, ni en 256 ni
>> en 128 bits, on peut spéculer sur le fait que des organisations
>> gouvernementales disposent de moyens hors-norme (grappes d'ordinateurs
>> "quantiques"), mais ça reste des spéculations.
> http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2102435/aes-encryption-cracked

Citation de l'article :

"This is not to say that anyone is in immediate danger and, according to
Bogdanov, although it is four times easier to carry out it is still
something of an involved procedure.

Recovering a key is no five minute job and despite being four times
easier than other methods the number of steps required to crack AES-128
is an 8 followed by 37 zeroes.

"To put this into perspective: on a trillion machines, that each could
test a billion keys per second, it would take more than two billion
years to recover an AES-128 key," the Leuven University researcher
added. "Because of these huge complexities, the attack has no practical
implications on the security of user data." Andrey Bogdanov told The
INQUIRER that a "practical" AES crack is still far off but added that
the work uncovered more about the standard than was known before.

"Indeed, we are even not close to a practical break of AES at the
moment. However, our results do shed some light into the internal
structure of AES and indicate where some limits of the AES design are,"
he said."

Attention aux titres racoleurs...

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