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Re: Open office calc, exporter toutes les feuilles en csv

Le lundi 23 mars 2009 à 02:39 +0100, Alain Baeckeroot a écrit :
> Ca me saoule, j'aurai du le faire à la main, j'aurai fini depuis
> longtemps :-)
> Alain.

Non il ne faut pas s'emporter, voici la solution ;-)
L'avantage c'est que tu vas maintenant gagner du temps et cela m'a
permis d'avoir une Macro OOo pour exporter en CSV (et qui sait d'autres
seront contents de l'avoir).


P.S : j'ai modifié les délimiteurs de champs et de texte, mais
l'original est commenté au-dessus à chaque fois.


Function MakePropertyValue( Optional cName As String, Optional uValue )
As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   Dim oPropertyValue As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   If Not IsMissing( cName ) Then
      oPropertyValue.Name = cName
   If Not IsMissing( uValue ) Then
      oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
   MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
End Function 

Sub Export_CSV
   ' This is the hardcoded pathname to a folder containing Excel files.
   cFolder = "/home/cboissin/Bureau"

   ' Get the pathname of each file within the folder.
   cFile = Dir$( cFolder + "/*.*" )
   Do While cFile <> ""
      ' If it is not a directory...
      If cFile <> "."  And  cFile <> ".." Then
         ' If it has the right suffix...
         If LCase( Right( cFile, 4 ) ) = ".xls" Then
            ' Open the document.
            oDoc =
StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( ConvertToUrl( cFolder + "/" + cFile ),
"_blank", 0, Array() )
            ' Options for delimiters in CVS
            'cFieldDelimiters = Chr(9)
            cFieldDelimiters = ";"
            'cTextDelimiter = ""
            cTextDelimiter = Chr(34)
            cFieldTypes = ""
            ' options....
            '   cFieldDelimiters = ",;" ' for either commas or
            '   cFieldDelimiters = Chr(9) ' for tab
            '   cTextDelimiter = Chr(34) ' for double quote
            '   cTextDelimiter = Chr(39) ' for single quote
            ' Suppose you want your first field to be numeric, then two
text fields, and then a date field....
            '   cFieldTypes = "1/2/2/3"
            ' Use 1=Num, 2=Text, 3=MM/DD/YY, 4=DD/MM/YY, 5=YY/MM/DD,
9=ignore field (do not import)
            ' Build up the Filter Options string
            ' From the Developer's Guide
            ' See section 8.2.2 under Filter Options
            cFieldDelims = ""
            For i = 1 To Len( cFieldDelimiters )
               c = Mid( cFieldDelimiters, i, 1 )
               If Len( cFieldDelims ) > 0 Then
                  cFieldDelims = cFieldDelims + "/"
               cFieldDelims = cFieldDelims + CStr(Asc( c ))
            If Len( cTextDelimiter ) > 0 Then
               cTextDelim = CStr(Asc( cTextDelimiter ))
               cTextDelim = "0"

            cFilterOptions = cFieldDelims + "," + cTextDelim + ",0,1," +

            ' Prepare new filename
            cNewName = Left( cFile, Len( cFile ) - 4 )
            ' Save it in OOo format.
            'oDoc.storeToURL( ConvertToUrl( cFolder + "/" + cNewName +
".sxc" ), Array() )
            ' Loop and selects sheets to save as csv
            oSheets = oDoc.Sheets()
            aSheetNames = oSheets.getElementNames()
               For index=0 to oSheets.getCount() -1
                  oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(index)
                  ' Define prefix or suffix to append to filename
                  appendName = aSheetNames(index) 'define prefix/suffix
as the name of the sheet
                  appendNum = index + 1 ' define prefix/suffix as the
number of the sheet                  
                  ' Choose new filename, with prefix or suffix
                  'cNewFileName = appendName + "_" + cNewName 'prefix
                  'cNewFileName = appendNum + "_" + cNewName ' prefix
                  'cNewFileName = cNewName + "_" + appendName ' suffix
                  cNewFileName = cNewName +  "_" + appendNum ' suffix
               oController = oDoc.GetCurrentController()  'view
               oController.SetActiveSheet(oSheet) 'switches view to
sheet object
               ' Export it using a filter.
               oDoc.StoreToURL( ConvertToUrl( cFolder + "/" +
cNewFileName + ".csv" ),_
                  Array( MakePropertyValue( "FilterName", "Text - txt -
csv (StarCalc)" ),_
                  MakePropertyValue( "FilterOptions", cFilterOptions ),_
                  MakePropertyValue( "SelectionOnly", true ) ) )
               Next index
            ' Close the document.
      cFile = Dir$
End Sub

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