update-modules deprecated
J'ai utilisé cette procédure pour patcher mon noyau pour avoir le
bluetooth toshiba:
Après avoir patché, ils disent:
"You may also have to fiddle with your system's module autoloading
system so that, when a program tries to access /dev/toshiba, the
toshiba_acpi driver is loaded rather than the original toshiba driver.
On Debian, this is done by editing /etc/modutils/toshutils (for the
2.6 kernel it's /etc/modprobe.d/aliases) and replacing "toshiba" with
"toshiba_acpi". Then run the update-modules command. "
Ca marche mais quand je fais update-modules, il me dit que la commande
est deprecated, il faut faire quoi maintenant à la place?
Merci :-)
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