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Re: tutorial ldap


Bernard Maynadier wrote:

mon dn est management.homeftp.org
/* Array of base DNs of your LDAP server. Leave this blank to have
auto-detect it for you. */

tu rajoutes dans cette ligne

j'ai donc dans ma ligne:
en remplacant par ton dn racine de l'annuaire.

j'arrive bien a me logger, mais sur le coté je sais qu'avec la 0.9.8, on a un listing des entrées
or la, lorsque je me loggue, j'ai un menu contenant schema, search, refresh,...
une ligne en dessous qui me dit:
Logged in as: cn =admin,dc =management,dc=homeftp ,dc=org
et en dessous rien
est ce un probleme de base ldap? y a t-il une configuration particuliere pour initialiser la base ldap?
j'ai fait un dpkg-reconfigure slapd avec toutes les options par defaut:
en specifiant le dn saisi, j'ai ce menu blanc sur le coté pourtant il me dit que je suis bien loggué
un probleme de permission?

voici le fichier de configuration de phpldapadmin

/* If you are asked to put pla in debug mode, this is how you do it: */
  $config->custom->debug['level'] = 255;
  $config->custom->debug['file'] = '/tmp/pla_debug.log';

 $config->custom->appearance['language'] = 'fr';

$ldapservers = new LDAPServers;

/* A convenient name that will appear in the tree viewer and throughout
   phpLDAPadmin to identify this LDAP server to users. */
$ldapservers->SetValue($i, 'server','host','');

/* Array of base DNs of your LDAP server. Leave this blank to have phpLDAPadmin
   auto-detect it for you. */

/* If the link between your web server and this LDAP server is slow, it is
   recommended that you set 'low_bandwidth' to true. This will enable
   phpLDAPadmin to forego some "fancy" features to conserve bandwidth. */

/* Specify true If you want phpLDAPadmin to not display or permit any
   modification to the LDAP server. */

/* Specify false if you do not want phpLDAPadmin to draw the 'Create new' links  in the tree viewer. */

/* This feature allows phpLDAPadmin to automatically determine the next available uidNumber for a new entry. */

/* Enable anonymous bind login. */

/* Predefined Queries (canned views)         */

/* To make searching easier, you may setup predefined queries below: */
$queries = array();

/* The name that will appear in the simple search form */
$queries[$q]['name'] = 'User List';

/* The base to search on */
$queries[$q]['base'] = 'dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org';

/* The search scope (sub, base, one) */
$queries[$q]['scope'] = 'sub';

/* The LDAP filter to use */
$queries[$q]['filter'] = '(&(objectClass=posixAorgount)(uid=*))';

/* The attributes to return */
$queries[$q]['attributes'] = 'cn, uid, homeDirectory';

voici le fichier de configuration du serveur:

# This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more
# info on the configuration options.

# Global Directives:

# Features to permit
#allow bind_v2

# Schema and objectClass definitions
include         /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

# Schema check allows for forcing entries to
# match schemas for their objectClasses's
schemacheck     on

# Where the pid file is put. The init.d script
# will not stop the server if you change this.
pidfile         /var/run/slapd/slapd.pid

# List of arguments that were passed to the server
argsfile        /var/run/slapd.args

# Read slapd.conf(5) for possible values
loglevel        0

# Where the dynamically loaded modules are stored
modulepath    /usr/lib/ldap
moduleload    back_bdb

# Specific Backend Directives for bdb:
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive oorgurs
backend        bdb
checkpoint 512 30

# Specific Backend Directives for 'other':
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive oorgurs
#backend        <other>

# Specific Directives for database #1, of type bdb:
# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
# 'database' directive oorgurs
database        bdb

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix          "dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org"

# Where the database file are physically stored for database #1
directory       "/var/lib/ldap"

# Indexing options for database #1
index           objectClass eq

# Save the time that the entry gets modified, for database #1
lastmod         on

# Where to store the replica logs for database #1
# replogfile    /var/lib/ldap/replog

# The userPassword by default can be changed
# by the entry owning it if they are authenticated.
# Others should not be able to see it, except the
# admin entry below
# These aorgess lines apply to database #1 only
aorgess to attrs=userPassword
        by dn="cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org" write
        by anonymous auth
        by self write
        by * none

# Ensure read aorgess to the base for things like
# supportedSASLMechanisms.  Without this you may
# have problems with SASL not knowing what
# mechanisms are available and the like.
# Note that this is covered by the 'aorgess to *'
# ACL below too but if you change that as people
# are wont to do you'll still need this if you
# want SASL (and possible other things) to work
# happily.
aorgess to dn.base="" by * read

# The admin dn has full write aorgess, everyone else
# can read everything.
aorgess to *
        by dn="cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org" write
        by * read

et voici le log generé par pla lorsque je m'authentifie sur pla

[0.042] login_form.php(1): pla_error_handler(): Entered with (8,Use of undefined constant E_DEBUG - assumed 'E_DEBUG',/var/www/phpldapadmin-1.0.0-rc1/lib/common.php,58)
[0.000] login_form.php(1): pla_session_start(): Entered with ()
[0.007] login_form.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:4:{s:9:"server_id";s:1:"0";s:14:"pla_login_dn_0";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:16:"pla_login_pass_0";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:9:"PLASESSID";s:32
[0.000] login_form.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:1:{s:9:"server_id";s:1:"0";})
[0.000] login_form.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:0:{})
[0.000] login_form.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:3:{s:14:"pla_login_dn_0";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:16:"pla_login_pass_0";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:9:"PLASESSID";s:32:"788aec202b44a9d5df68e9
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::__construct(): Entered with (0)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,name), Returning (My LDAP Server)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,host), Returning (
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,port), Returning (389)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,tls), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,auth_type), Returning (session)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,low_bandwidth), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,read_only), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,branch_rename), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,schema_oclass_default), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_auth), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_mech), Returning (PLAIN)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_realm), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_regex), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_replacement), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_props), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,dn), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,pass), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,attr), Returning (dn)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,string), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,timeout), Returning (179)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,password_hash), Returning (md5)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,show_create), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,visible), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] login_form.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning ()
[0.001] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,allowed_dns), Returning (a:0:{})
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,anon_bind), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isAnonBindAllowed(): Entered with (), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,allowed_dns), Returning (a:0:{})
[0.000] login_form.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,anon_bind), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isAnonBindAllowed(): Entered with (), Returning (1)
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login_form.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.042] login.php(1): pla_error_handler(): Entered with (8,Use of undefined constant E_DEBUG - assumed 'E_DEBUG',/var/www/phpldapadmin-1.0.0-rc1/lib/common.php,58)
[0.000] login.php(1): pla_session_start(): Entered with ()
[0.008] login.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:7:{s:9:"server_id";s:1:"0";s:8:"login_dn";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:10:"login_pass";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:6:"submit";s:12:"Authenticate";
[0.000] login.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:0:{})
[0.000] login.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:4:{s:9:"server_id";s:1:"0";s:8:"login_dn";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:10:"login_pass";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:6:"submit";s:12:"Authenticate";
[0.000] login.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:3:{s:14:"pla_login_dn_0";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:16:"pla_login_pass_0";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:9:"PLASESSID";s:32:"788aec202b44a9d5df68e9
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::__construct(): Entered with (0)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,name), Returning (My LDAP Server)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,host), Returning (
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,port), Returning (389)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,tls), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,auth_type), Returning (session)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,low_bandwidth), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,read_only), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,branch_rename), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,schema_oclass_default), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_auth), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_mech), Returning (PLAIN)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_realm), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_regex), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_replacement), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_props), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,dn), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,pass), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,attr), Returning (dn)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,string), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,timeout), Returning (179)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,password_hash), Returning (md5)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,show_create), Returning (1)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,visible), Returning (1)
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] login.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,allowed_dns), Returning (a:0:{})
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,anon_bind), Returning (1)
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::isAnonBindAllowed(): Entered with (), Returning (1)
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] login.php(64): Setting login type to CONFIG with DN [cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver:userIsAllowedLogin(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] login.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,allowed_dns), Returning (a:0:{})
[0.000] login.php(64): User is not prohibited from logging in - now bind with DN [cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (1,user,1)
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] login.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Creating new connection [user] for Server ID [0]
[0.000] login.php(80): LDAPserver::connect(): This IS a "config" login
[0.000] login.php(80): LDAPserver::connect(): Config settings, DN [cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org], PASS [monpassenhash]
[0.000] login.php(80): LDAPserver::connect(): Config settings, DN [cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org], PASS [monpassenhash]
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] login.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): LDAP Resource [Resource id #18], Host [], Port [389]
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver::isTLSEnabled(): Entered with ()
[0.001] login.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Resource [Resource id #18], Bind Result [1]
[0.000] login.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Bind suorgessful
[0.000] login.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Leaving with Connect [user], Resource [Resource id #18]
[0.000] login.php(64): Connection returned [Resource id #18]
[0.000] login.php(17): LDAPserver:setLoginDN(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,monpassenclair,)
[0.000] login.php(1): pla_blowfish_encrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] login.php(1): pla_blowfish_encrypt(): Entered with (monpassenclair,)
[0.000] login.php(1): set_lastactivity(): Entered with (0)
[0.042] tree.php(1): pla_error_handler(): Entered with (8,Use of undefined constant E_DEBUG - assumed 'E_DEBUG',/var/www/phpldapadmin-1.0.0-rc1/lib/common.php,58)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_session_start(): Entered with ()
[0.007] tree.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:3:{s:14:"pla_login_dn_0";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:16:"pla_login_pass_0";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:9:"PLASESSID";s:32:"788aec202b44a9d5df68e9
[0.000] tree.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:0:{})
[0.000] tree.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:0:{})
[0.000] tree.php(1): array_stripslashes(): Entered with (a:3:{s:14:"pla_login_dn_0";s:41:"cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:16:"pla_login_pass_0";s:12:"monpassenclair";s:9:"PLASESSID";s:32:"788aec202b44a9d5df68e9
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::__construct(): Entered with (0)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,name), Returning (My LDAP Server)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,host), Returning (
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,port), Returning (389)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,tls), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,auth_type), Returning (session)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,low_bandwidth), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,read_only), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,branch_rename), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,schema_oclass_default), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_auth), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_mech), Returning (PLAIN)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_realm), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_regex), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_replacement), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_props), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,dn), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,pass), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,attr), Returning (dn)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,string), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,timeout), Returning (179)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,password_hash), Returning (md5)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,show_create), Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,visible), Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(1): session_timed_out(): Entered with (0)
[0.001] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,custom,pages_prefix), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_custom_file(): Entered with (0,style.css,css/), Returning (css/style.css)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_version(): Entered with (), Returning (CVS)
[0.003] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::__construct(): Entered with (0)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,name), Returning (My LDAP Server)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,host), Returning (
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,port), Returning (389)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,tls), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,auth_type), Returning (session)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,low_bandwidth), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,read_only), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,branch_rename), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,schema_oclass_default), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_auth), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_mech), Returning (PLAIN)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_realm), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_regex), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_authz_id_replacement), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,sasl_props), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,dn), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,pass), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,attr), Returning (dn)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,string), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,login,timeout), Returning (179)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,password_hash), Returning (md5)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,show_create), Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,appearance,visible), Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isValidServer(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isVisible(): Entered with (), Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,custom,pages_prefix), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_custom_file(): Entered with (0,tree_functions.php,/var/www/phpldapadmin-1.0.0-rc1/lib/), Returning (/var/www/phpldapadmin-1.0.0-rc1/lib/tree_functions.php)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,custom,pages_prefix), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_custom_file(): Entered with (0,draw_server_tree), Returning (draw_server_tree)
[0.000] tree.php(33): draw_server_tree(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Entered with (0,tree,null), Returning (0)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isMassDeleteEnabled(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (,user,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Creating new connection [user] for Server ID [0]
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::connect(): This IS some other login
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInPass(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (monpassenclair,)
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::connect(): Config settings, DN [cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org], PASS [monpassenhash]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): LDAP Resource [Resource id #22], Host [], Port [389]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isTLSEnabled(): Entered with ()
[0.001] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Resource [Resource id #22], Bind Result [1]
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Bind suorgessful
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::connect(): Leaving with Connect [user], Resource [Resource id #22]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isReadOnly(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (session) auth_type
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::haveAuthInfo(): Returning (1)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (,user,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::_connect(): Returning CACHED connection resource [Resource id #22](user)
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,custom,pages_prefix), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_custom_file(): Entered with (0,logout.php,), Returning (logout.php)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(80): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Checking config for BaseDN
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,base), Returning (a:1:{i:0;s:32:"dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";})
[0.000] tree.php(3): LDAPservers::GetValue(): Entered with (0,server,base), Returning (a:1:{i:0;s:32:"dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";})
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Return BaseDN from Config [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Return CACHED BaseDN [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Return CACHED BaseDN [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] tree.php(1): pretty_print_dn(): Entered with (cn=admin)
[0.000] tree.php(1): dn_escape(): Entered with (cn=admin), Returning (cn=admin)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_explode_dn(): Entered with (cn=admin,0), Returning (a:1:{i:0;s:8:"cn=admin";})
[0.000] tree.php(1): pretty_print_dn(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(1): dn_escape(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org), Returning (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_explode_dn(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,0), Returning (a:3:{i:0;s:13:"dc=management";i:1;s:12:"dc=homeftp";i:2;s:5:"dc=org";})
[0.000] tree.php(1): pla_blowfish_decrypt(): Entered with (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getLoggedInDN(): Entered with (), Returning (cn=admin,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::isReadOnly(): Entered with (), Returning ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::getBaseDN(): Return CACHED BaseDN [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Entered with (0,tree,null), Returning (0)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::dnExists(): Search for (0) [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org]
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (,user,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::_connect(): Returning CACHED connection resource [Resource id #22](user)
[0.000] tree.php(1): dn_escape(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org), Returning (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.001] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (,user,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::_connect(): Returning CACHED connection resource [Resource id #22](user)
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_icon(): Entered with (0,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getDNAttr(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,objectClass,1,0)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:getDNAttrs(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,1,0)
[0.000] tree.php(1): dn_escape(): Entered with (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org), Returning (dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::search(): Entered with (,dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org,(objectClass=*),a:0:{},base,,0)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::connect(): Entered with (,user,)
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::_connect(): Entered with (user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::_connect(): Returning CACHED connection resource [Resource id #22](user)
[0.000] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::search(): base search PREPARE.
[0.001] tree.php(16): LDAPserver::search(): base search from base [dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org] with [(objectClass=*)] for [a:0:{}] COMPLETE ().
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:isAttrBinary(): Entered with (objectClass)
[0.000] tree.php(1): real_attr_name(): Entered with (objectclass)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Returning SESSION cached [schema] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Entered with (0,schema,attributes), Returning (181)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Returning CACHED [0] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::getSchemaAttribute(): Entered with (objectclass,), Returning (O:13:"AttributeType":19:{s:4:"name";s:11:"objectClass";s:11:"is_obsolete";b:0;s:13:"sup_attribute";s:0:"";s:8:"equality";s:21:
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:isAttrBinary(): Entered with (o)
[0.000] tree.php(1): real_attr_name(): Entered with (o)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Returning MEMORY cached [schema] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Entered with (0,schema,attributes), Returning (181)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Returning CACHED [0] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::getSchemaAttribute(): Entered with (o,), Returning (O:13:"AttributeType":19:{s:4:"name";s:16:"organizationName";s:11:"is_obsolete";b:0;s:13:"sup_attribute";s:4:"name";s:8:"equality";N;s:8:
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver:isAttrBinary(): Entered with (dc)
[0.000] tree.php(1): real_attr_name(): Entered with (dc)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Entered with ()
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Returning MEMORY cached [schema] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(1): get_cached_item(): Entered with (0,schema,attributes), Returning (181)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::SchemaAttributes(): Returning CACHED [0] (attributes)
[0.000] tree.php(25): LDAPserver::getSchemaAttribute(): Entered with (dc,), Returning (O:13:"AttributeType":19:{s:4:"name";s:15:"domainComponent";s:11:"is_obsolete";b:0;s:13:"sup_attribute";s:0:"";s:8:"equality";s:18:"case
[0.000] tree.php(17): LDAPserver::search(): Returning (a:1:{s:32:"dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";a:4:{s:2:"dn";s:32:"dc=management,dc=homeftp,dc=org";s:11:"objectClass";a:3:{i:0;s:3:"top";i:1;s:8:"dcObject";i:2;s:12:"o

je sais que cela fait un peu beaucoup, mais comme je n'y comprends rien...
merci d'avance pour votre aide


Le 03/02/06, Bernard Maynadier <b.maynadier@cra-mp.org> a écrit :
Matthieu a écrit :

> Le 03/02/06, *Bernard Maynadier* <b.maynadier@cra-mp.org
> <mailto:b.maynadier@cra-mp.org >> a écrit :
>     Matthieu a écrit :
>     > bonjour a tous,
>     >
>     > je viens de m'installer un serveur ldap pour ma connaissance
>     personnelle
>     > sur ce serveur.
>     > pour tester tout ca, je me suis installé un phpldapadmin.
>     peux tu donner la version de phpldapadmin que tu as installé ?
> la version que j'ai installé est la 1.0.0-rc1
> bien cordialement

OK je suis en SID mais la version que j'utilise est 0.98, je n'ai donc
pas ta version.
tu dois trouver dans /etc/phpldadmin/config.php quelque chose dans le genre:

/* Array of base DNs of your LDAP server. Leave this blank to have
   auto-detect it for you. */

tu rajoutes  dans cette ligne

en remplacant par ton dn racine de l'annuaire.


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