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[orl_debian@ammd.net: Re: Re: [Xfree - Xorg] Driver xie et pex5 not found]


Je crois que le mieux est de faire comme Davy l'a indiqué : rechercher
s'il n'y aurait pas un fichier gdm.conf.dpgk-new et fusionner les
valeurs de celui-ci avec ton fichier. Il est possible que le problème
vienne de "Greeter=/usr/bin/gdmgreeter" (c'est peut-être le bogue 339888).

Fred (qui top-poste pour faire suivre correctement le message)

PS : n'oublie pas de répondre sur la liste pour que tout le monde puisse
donner son avis. J'ai laissé le fichier en intégralité.

----- Forwarded message from Aurelien <orl_debian@ammd.net> -----

On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 02:17:17PM +0100, Frédéric Bothamy wrote :
> * Aurelien <orl@...> [2005-11-23 11:53] :

Dis-donc, ton client mail ne supprime pas les adresses automatiquement.

> Merci, ça fait plaisir, on n'a pas l'impression d'avoir cherché pour
> rien. Cela dit, cela vient également que tu avais bien décrit le
> problème ainsi que tes recherches et ce que tu avais constaté.
> [...]

Perso, j'ai plus de pommade !! ;-p

> Peux-tu poster ton fichier de configuration de gdm ici ? Cela donnera
> peut-être des indications à d'autres personnes...

OK, le voici qui suit :

Je vous passe l'introduction, je pars de après "Have Fun Georges !"

# Have fun! - George

# Automatic login, if true the first local screen will automatically
# logged
# in as user as set with AutomaticLogin key.

# Timed login, useful for kiosks.  Log in a certain user after a certain
# amount of time

# The gdm configuration program that is run from the login screen, you
# should
# probably leave this alone
#Configurator=/usr/bin/gdmsetup --disable-sound --disable-crash-dialog

# The chooser program.  Must output the chosen host on stdout, probably
# you
# should leave this alone

# The greeter for local (non-xdmcp) logins.  Change gdmlogin to
# gdmgreeter to
# get the new graphical greeter.

# The greeter for xdmcp logins, usually you want a less graphically
# intensive
# greeter here so it's better to leave this with gdmlogin

# Launch the greeter with an additional list of colon seperated gtk
# modules. This is useful for enabling additional feature support
# e.g. gnome accessibility framework. Only "trusted" modules should
# be allowed to minimise security holes
# By default these are the accessibility modules

# Default path to set.  The profile scripts will likely override this
# Default path for root.  The profile scripts will likely override this

# If you are having trouble with using a single server for a long time
# and
# want gdm to kill/restart the server, turn this on

# User and group used for running gdm GUI applicaitons.  By default this
# is set to user gdm and group gdm.  This user/group should have very
# limited permissions and access to ony the gdm directories and files.

# To try to kill all clients started at greeter time or in the Init
# script.
# doesn't always work, only if those clients have a window of their own
# You should probably never change this value unless you have a weird
# setup
# Note that a post login script is run before a PreSession script.
# It is run after the login is successful and before any setup is
# run on behalf of the user
# Distributions:  If you have some script that runs an X server in say
# VGA mode, allowing a login, could you please send it to me?
# if X keeps crashing on us we run this script.  The default one does a
# bunch
# of cool stuff to figure out what to tell the user and such and can
# run an X configuration program.
# Reboot, Halt and suspend commands, you can add different commands
# separated by a semicolon and gdm will use the first one it can find
RebootCommand=/sbin/shutdown -r now \"Rebooted from gdm menu.\"
HaltCommand=/sbin/shutdown -h now \"Shut Down from gdm menu.\"
SuspendCommand=/usr/bin/apm --suspend
# Probably should not touch the below this is the standard setup
# This is our standard startup script.  A bit different from a normal
# X session, but it shares a lot of stuff with that.  See the provided
# default for more information.
# This is a directory where .desktop files describing the sessions live
# It is really a PATH style variable since to allow actual
# interoperability with KDM.  Note that <sysconfdir>/dm/Sessions is
# there
# for backwards compatibility reasons with 2.4.4.x
# This is the default .desktop session.  One of the ones in
# SessionDesktopDir
# Better leave this blank and HOME will be used.  You can use syntax ~/
# below
# to indicate home directory of the user.  You can also set this to
# something
# like /tmp if you don't want the authorizations to be in home
# directories.
# This is useful if you have NFS mounted home directories.  Note that if
# this
# is the home directory the UserAuthFBDir will still be used in case the
# home
# directory is NFS, see security/NeverPlaceCookiesOnNFS to override this
# behavio
# Fallback if home directory not writable
# The X server to use if we can't figure out what else to run.
# The maximum number of flexible X servers to run.
# And after how many minutes should we reap the flexible server if there
# is
# no activity and no one logged on.  Set to 0 to turn off the reaping.
# Does not affect Xnest flexiservers.
# the X nest command
Xnest=/usr/X11R6/bin/Xnest -audit 0 -name Xnest
# Automatic VT allocation.  Right now only works on Linux.  This way
# we force X to use specific vts.  turn VTAllocation to false if this
# is causing problems.
# Should double login be treated with a warning (and possibility to
# change
# vts on linux and freebsd systems for console logins)

# If true then the last login information is printed to the user before
# being prompted for password.  While this gives away some info on what
# users are on a system, it on the other hand should give the user an
# idea of when they logged in and if it doesn't seem kosher to them,
# they can just abort the login and contact the sysadmin (avoids running
# malicious startup scripts)

# Program used to play sounds.  Should not require any 'daemon' or
# anything
# like that as it will be run when no one is logged in yet.

# These are the languages that the console cannot handle because of font
# issues.  Here we mean the text console, not X.  This is only used
# when there are errors to report and we cannot start X.
# This is the default:

# This will allow remote timed login
# 0 is the most restrictive, 1 allows group write permissions, 2 allows
# all
# write permissions
# Check if directories are owned by logon user.  Set to false, if you
# have, for
# example, home directories owned by some other user.
# Number of seconds to wait after a bad login
# Maximum size of a file we wish to read.  This makes it hard for a user
# to DoS
# us by using a large file.
# If true this will basically append -nolisten tcp to every X command
# line,
# a good default to have (why is this a "negative" setting? because if
# it is false, you could still not allow it by setting command line of
# any particular server).  It's probably better to ship with this on
# since most users will not need this and it's more of a security risk
# then anything else.
# Note: Anytime we find a -query or -indirect on the command line we do
# not add a "-nolisten tcp", as then the query just wouldn't work, so
# this setting only affects truly local sessions.
# By default never place cookies if we "detect" NFS.  We detect NFS
# by detecting "root-squashing".  It seems bad practice to place
# cookies on things that go over the network by default and thus we
# don't do it by default.  Sometimes you can however use safe remote
# filesystems where this is OK and you may want to have the cookie in
# your
# home directory.

# XDMCP is the protocol that allows remote login.  If you want to log
# into
# gdm remotely (I'd never turn this on on open network, use ssh for such
# remote usage that).  You can then run X with -query <thishost> to log
# in,
# or -indirect <thishost> to run a chooser.  Look for the 'Terminal'
# server
# type at the bottom of this config file.
# Distributions: Ship with this off.  It is never a safe thing to leave
# out on the net.  Setting up /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to
# only
# allow local access is another alternative but not the safest.
# Firewalling port 177 is the safest if you wish to have xdmcp on.
# Read the manual for more notes on the security of XDMCP.
# Honour indirect queries, we run a chooser for these, and then redirect
# the user to the chosen host.  Otherwise we just log the user in
# locally.
# Maximum pending requests
# Maximum open XDMCP sessions at any point in time
# Maximum wait times
# How many times can a person log in from a single host.  Usually better
# to
# keep low to fend off DoS attacks by running many logins from a single
# host.  This is now set at 2 since if the server crashes then gdm
# doesn't
# know for some time and wouldn't allow another session.
# The number of seconds after which a non-responsive session is logged
# off.
# Better keep this low.
# The port.  177 is the standard port so better keep it that way
# Willing script, none is shipped and by default we'll send
# hostname system id.  But if you supply something here, the
# output of this script will be sent as status of this host so that
# the chooser can display it.  You could for example send load,
# or mail details for some user, or some such.

# The specific gtkrc file we use.  It should be the full path to the
# gtkrc
# that we need.  Unless you need a specific gtkrc that doesn't
# correspond to
# a specific theme, then just use the GtkTheme key

# The GTK+ theme to use for the gui
# If to allow changing the GTK+ (widget) theme from the greeter.
# Currently
# this only affects the standard greeter as the graphical greeter does
# not yet have this ability
# Comma separated list of themes to allow.  These must be the names of
# the
# themes installed in the standard locations for gtk themes.  You can
# also specify 'all' to allow all installed themes.  These should be
# just
# the basenames of the themes such as 'Thinice' or 'LowContrast'.

# Maximum size of an icon, larger icons are scaled down

# Greeter has a nice title bar that the user can move
# Configuration is available from the system menu of the greeter
# Face browser is enabled.  This only works currently for the
# standard greeter as it is not yet enabled in the graphical greeter.
# The default picture in the browser
# These are things excluded from the face browser, not from logging in
# As an alternative to the above this is the minimum uid to show
# If user or user.png exists in this dir it will be used as his picture
# File which contains the locale we show to the user.  Likely you want
# to use
# the one shipped with gdm and edit it.  It is not a standard
# locale.alias file,
# although gdm will be able to read a standard locale.alias file as
# well.
# Logo shown in the standard greeter
# The standard greeter should shake if a user entered the wrong username
# or
# password.  Kind of cool looking
# The Actions menu (formerly system menu) is shown in the greeter, this
# is the
# menu that contains reboot, shutdown, suspend, config and chooser.
# None of
# these is available if this is off.  They can be turned off
# individually
# however
# The Actions in the Actions menu require the root password
# Should the chooser button be shown.  If this is shown, GDM can drop
# into
# chooser mode which will run the xdmcp chooser locally and allow the
# user
# to connect to some remote host.  Local XDMCP does not need to be
# enabled
# however
# Note to distributors, if you wish to have a different Welcome string
# and wish to have this translated you can have entries such as
# Welcome[cs]=Vitejte na %n
# Just make sure the string is in utf-8
# Welcome is for all console logins and RemoteWelcome is for remote
# logins
# (through XDMCP).
# The default entries that are shipped are translated inside gdm and
# are as follows:
#RemoteWelcome=Welcome to %n
# Don't allow user to move the standard greeter window.  Only makes
# sense
# if TitleBar is on
# Set a position rather then just centering the window.  If you enter
# negative values for the position it is taken as an offset from the
# right or bottom edge.
# Xinerama screen we use to display the greeter on.  Not for true
# multihead, currently only works for Xinerama.
# Background settings for the standard greeter:
# Type can be 0=None, 1=Image, 2=Color
# XDMCP session should only get a color, this is the sanest setting
# since
# you don't want to take up too much bandwidth
# Program to run to draw the background in the standard greeter.
# Perhaps
# something like an xscreensaver hack or some such.
# if this is true then the background program is run always, otherwise
# it is only run when the BackgroundType is 0 (None)
# Show the Failsafe sessions.  These are much MUCH nicer (focus for
# xterm for
# example) and more failsafe then those supplied by scripts so distros
# should
# use this rather then just running an xterm from a script.
# Normally there is a session type called 'Last' that is shown which
# refers to
# the last session the user used.  If off, we will be in 'switchdesk'
# mode where
# the session saving stuff is disabled in GDM
# Always use 24 hour clock no matter what the locale.
# Use circles in the password field.  Looks kind of cool actually,
# but only works with certain fonts.
# Do not show any visible feedback in the password field. This is
# standard
# for instance in console, xdm and ssh.
# These two keys are for the new greeter.  Circles is the standard
# shipped theme
# If InfoMsgFile points to a file, the greeter will display the contents
# of the
# file in a modal dialog box before the user is allowed to log in.
# If InfoMsgFile is present then InfoMsgFont can be used to specify the
# font
# to be used when displaying the contents of the file.
#InfoMsgFont=Sans 24
# If SoundOnLogin is true, then the greeter will beep when login is
# ready
# for user input.  If SoundOnLogin is a file and the greeter finds the
# 'play' executable (see daemon/SoundProgram) it will play that file
# instead of just beeping

# The chooser is what's displayed when a user wants an indirect XDMCP
# session, or selects Run XDMCP chooser from the system menu
# Default image for hosts
# Directory with host images, they are named by the hosts: host or
# host.png
# Time we scan for hosts (well only the time we tell the user we are
# scanning actually, we continue to listen even after this has
# expired)
# A comma separated lists of hosts to automatically add (if they answer
# to
# a query of course).  You can use this to reach hosts that broadcast
# cannot
# reach.
# Broadcast a query to get all hosts on the current network that answer
# Set it to true if you want to send a multicast query to hosts.
# It is an IPv6 multicast address.It is hardcoded here and will be
# replaced when
# officially registered xdmcp multicast address of TBD will be available
# Allow adding random hosts to the list by typing in their names

# This will enable debugging into the syslog, usually not neccessary
# and it creates a LOT of spew of random stuff to the syslog.  However
# it
# can be useful in determining when something is going very wrong.

# These are the standard servers.  You can add as many you want here
# and they will always be started.  Each line must start with a unique
# number and that will be the display number of that server.  Usually
# just
# the 0 server is used.
# Note the VTAllocation and FirstVT keys on linux and freebsd.
# Don't add any vt<number> arguments if VTAllocation is on, and set
# FirstVT to
# be the first vt available that your gettys don't grab (gettys are
# usually
# dumb and grab even a vt that has already been taken).  Using 7 will
# work
# pretty much for all linux distributions.  VTAllocation is not
# currently
# implemented on anything but linux and freebsd.  Feel free to send
# patches.
# X servers will just not get any extra arguments then.
# If you want to run an X terminal you could add an X server such as
# this
#0=Terminal -query serverhostname
# or for a chooser (optionally serverhostname could be localhost)
#0=Terminal -indirect serverhostname
# If you wish to run the XDMCP chooser on the local display use the
# following
# line

## Note:
# is your X server not listening to TCP requests?  Perhaps you should
# look
# at the security/DisallowTCP setting!

# Definition of the standard X server.
name=Standard server
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0

# To use this server type you should add -query host or -indirect host
# to the command line
name=Terminal server
# Add -terminate to make things behave more nicely
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0 -terminate
# Make this not appear in the flexible servers (we need extra params
# anyway, and terminate would be bad for xdmcp choosing).  You can
# make a terminal server flexible, but not with an indirect query.
# If you need flexible indirect query server, then you must get rid
# of the -terminate and the only way to kill the flexible server will
# then be by Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
# Not local, we do not handle the logins for this X server

# To use this server type you should add -query host or -indirect host
# to the command line
name=Chooser server
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0
# Make this not appear in the flexible servers for now, but if you
# wish to allow a chooser server then make this true.  This is the
# only way to make a flexible chooser server that behaves nicely.
# Run the chooser instead of the greeter.  When the user chooses a
# machine they will get this same server but run with
# "-terminate -query hostname"

Pfff..... C'est long... Bah merci d'avance à ceux qui auront le courage
de lire jusqu'au bout !!! :-p

ORL (alias Yvette H.)
Responsable internet de l'AMMD

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