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script vraag


Ik heb onderstaand script in elkaar gezet:


node=$(cat /etc/hostname)
health=$(/usr/bin/ceph health)

 if [ "$health" != "HEALTH_OK" ] && [ ! -f $errorfile ]; then
    # health not ok, and file does not yet exist
    echo "health not ok, and file does not yet exist"
    touch $errorfile
    echo "Bad news: Ceph cluster node $node health status became "$health"" | mail -s "ERROR! ceph status $node" $email

 if  [ "$health" != "HEALTH_OK" ] && [ -f $errorfile ]; then
    # health not ok, errorfile already present
    # check age of errorfile
    if test 'find $errorfile -mmin +30'; then
	echo "errorfile older than 30 minutes"
        # fresh timestamp on errorfile
        touch $errorfile
        # and notify again
        echo "FYI: Ceph cluster node $node health status is still "$health"" | mail -s "ERROR! ceph status $node" $email

# then assuming health IS ok, we can delete errorfile

 if  [ "$health" = "HEALTH_OK" ] && [ -f $errorfile ]; then
    # health is ok, error file exists, so can be removed
    rm -f $errorfile
    echo "good news"
    echo "Good news: Ceph cluster node $node health status is again "$health"" | mail -s "ceph status $node" $email

Alleen de regels volgend op
> if test 'find $errorfile -mmin +30'; then
worden TELKENS uitgevoerd, en niet alleen slechts wanneer de $errorfile ouder is dan 30 minuten.

Dat snap ik niet.

Kan iemand me dat uitleggen? Als ik het vanaf de cli uitvoer, lijkt t wel te werken:

> find /tmp/ceph-error-more -mmin +30

geeft alleen resultaat, wanneer het bestand ouder is dan 30 minuten.


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