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Re: [Debian] Firewallprobleme

* a_claussen@t-online.de (Andre Claussen) wrote:
>Ja, es ist eine allgemeine Durchgangsregel für alle Verbindungen bidirektional.
>Irgendwelche andere Vorschläge?

Teste mal deine Regel mit 
ipchains -C input -b -p tcp -s $PORT -d 515  -i

man ipchains

-C, --check
              Check the given packet against the selected  chain.
              This  is  extremely useful for testing, as the same
              kernel routines used to check "real" network  pack­
              ets  are used to check this packet.  It can be used
              to check user-defined chains as well as the builtin
              ones.   The same arguments used to specify firewall
              rules are  used  to  construct  the  packet  to  be
              tested.  In particular, the -s (source), -d (desti­
              nation), -p (protocol), and  -i  (interface)  flags
              are compulsory.

und lese


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