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[Debian] apt-get und dependencies

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Hi All

Was treibt apt-get dazu folgende Fehlermeldung auszugeben ?:

[Some large error text]
fidoconf: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.2-2) but 2.2.2-4 is to be installed
Break: Error, could not install

Es hätte gerne libc6 >=2.2.2-2 und laut meinen Rechenkünsten iss 2.2.2-4 
grösser als das :)

Und libc6 iss auch noch eine der Dependencies die beim .deb-bauen automatisch 
generiert wird. Mein Controlfile dazu sieht so aus: (kann garantiert 
verbessert werden, fang grad erst ernsthaft damit an :) ) (lange Zeile mit \ 

Source: fidoconf
Section: libs
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Joerg Jaspert (JJ) <joerg@goliathbbs.dnsalias.net>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 2.0.0), smapi (>= 1.6.4b-1), smapi (<< 1.6.5)
Standards-Version: 3.2.1

Package: fidoconf
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Suggests: sqpack (>= 1.1.0b-1), sqpack (<< 1.1.1), nltools (>= 1.1a-1), \
nltools (<< 1.2), hpt (>= 0.9.7d-1), hpt (<< 0.9.8), htick (>= 0.9a-1), \
htick (<< 0.10), binkd (>= 0.9.4) | ifcico (>= 2.14tx8.10) | binkley,\
 goldedplus (>= | msged
Description: Library to access the fidoconfig (stable)
 From the fidoconf-documentation:
 The design goal of fidoconfig was to provide one config-file for several
 different fido software packages like editor, tosser etc.
 An additional aim was to have one library (fidoconfig) which can be used by
 all programs.
 The advantage is you only have to edit one config-file, so changing your
 system is much easier than with common software packages. Also bugs can only
 creep in one library and not in thousands over thousands libraries.
 This is the stable release.
- -- 
GPG-Keyid: 0x1120D31B
Fingerprint: A3D2 83A4 535D A826 F2AA  4348 8BDD 849C 1120 D31B
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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