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Re: [Debian]:Soundblaster PCI128 (es1371) geht nicht

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 09:35:23PM +0200, Matthias Kabel wrote:

> cat IRGENDEINE_DATEI > /dev/audio oder /dev/dsp
> erzeugt rein gar nichts. Geht auch nicht als root, die DEVICE-Dateien sind

Lies einmal /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/es1371.

This driver does not support the ALaw/uLaw sample formats.
ALaw is the default mode when opening a sound device
using OSS/Free. The reason for the lack of support is
that the hardware does not support these formats, and adding
conversion routines to the kernel would lead to very ugly
code in the presence of the mmap interface to the driver.
And since xquake uses mmap, mmap is considered important :-)
and no sane application uses ALaw/uLaw these days anyway.
In short, playing a Sun .au file as follows:

cat my_file.au > /dev/dsp

does not work. Instead, you may use the play script from
Chris Bagwell's sox-12.14 package (available from the URL
below) to play many different audio file formats.
The script automatically determines the audio format
and does do audio conversions if necessary.

Roland Bauerschmidt -- Freiberger Str. 17, 28215 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: roland@copyleft.de, phone: +49 421 3763482, fax: +49 421 3763483

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