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Re: [Debian]:PAM und su

Stephan Seitz <stse@fsing.uni-sb.de> wrote
> > hast du zwei zeilen der form
> > auth required pam_unix_auth.so

> Ich hatte eine andere Zeile mit
> auth required pam_unix.so
> stehen. Sind die beiden Module gleich?
das ist inzwischen alles ein modul. pam_unix_auth.so und konsorten sind
nur mehr symbolische links auf das neue pam_unix modul
> > die dokumentation zum neuen aktuellen pam_unix-modul ist leider
> > nicht enthalten ...

> Weißt du, wo man sie finden kann?
ja, im originalen Linux-PAM 0.69 tarball ist folgendes kurze readme
This is the README for pam_unix in Linux-PAM-0.67.

pam_unix now comes as one module pam_unix.so.

The following links are left for compatibility with old versions:
pam_unix_auth:          authentication module providing
                        pam_authenticate() and pam_setcred() hooks
pam_unix_sess:          session module, providing session logging
pam_unix_acct:          account management, providing shadow account
                        managment features, password aging etc..
pam_unix_passwd:        password updating facilities providing
                        cracklib password strength checking facilities.

The following options are recognized:
        debug           -       log more debugging info
        audit           -       a little more extreme than debug
        use_first_pass  -       don 't prompt the user for passwords
                                take them from PAM_ items instead
        try_first_pass  -       don 't prompt the user for the passwords
                                unless PAM_(OLD)AUTHTOK is unset
        use_authtok     -       like try_first_pass, but * fail * if the
                                PAM_AUTHTOK has not been previously set.
                                (intended for stacking password modules
        not_set_pass    -       don 't set the PAM_ items with the
                                used by this module.
        shadow          -       try to maintian a shadow based system.
        md5             -       when a user changes their password next,
                                encrypt it with the md5 algorithm.
        bigcrypt        -       when a user changes their password next,
                                excrypt it with the DEC C2 -
        nodelay         -       used to prevent failed authentication
                                resulting in a delay of about 1 second.
        nis             -       use NIS RPC for setting new password
        remember=X      -       remember X old passwords, they are kept
in /etc/security/opasswd in MD5 crypted form

        invalid arguments are logged to syslog.
      cu andreas

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