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Re: [Debian]: Wie benutzt man kppp unter Debian?

Am Mon, 28 Jun 1999, hast du geschrieben:
>ist hier jemand, der kppp als Interface zu pppd benutzt? Bisher
>habe ich nur die Befehle pon und poff benutzt, um eine Verbindung
>auf- und abzubauen. Gestern wollte ich kppp ausprobieren, aber
>nach dem Verbindungsaufbau (beim oder nach dem Anmelden), bricht
>er ab (Timeout beim warten auf ppp). Gibt es irgendwelche spezielle
>Einstellungen, damit kppp mit Debian laeuft? KDE habe ich von 
>ftp.uni-marburg.de, slink-Version.

Lies mal die Hilfe-Datei zu kppp, Kap. 7.1. In /etc/ppp/options muß eine Datei
entweder leer sein, oder:
--------------------snipp ---------------

"I can't get kppp to work. kppp tells me that pppd has died or that a timeout
has expired! 

Did you read the this manual carefully? Here are once more the most common

Click on the "Details" button. kppp will you give an excerpt from the PPP log
messages (may not work on non-Linux systems, or even on some Linux
distributions). The log will help you to track down the bug. 

Make sure that pppd is the actual pppd binary not a script 

Make sure that pppd is setuid root. You may set this mode by issuing chmod
u+s pppd as root. 

Make sure that your /etc/ppp/options file exists and that it doesn´t contain
any conflicting entries. If in doubt: Leave this file empty.  

Using the symbolic link /dev/modem may cause some conflicts. Eliminate this
source of trouble by using the real device, i.e. /dev/cuaX or /dev/ttySX. NOTE:
COM1 equals ttyS0, COM2 is ttyS1 and so on.  

Make sure you set the right permission. In case of trouble you might want to
run it as root first and then later, when everything is working o.k give it
less harmful permission if you can not afford to run kppp setuid root. The
proper way to proceed would probably be creating a "modem" group. 

You might be launching pppd too early, i.e. before the remote server is ready
to negotiate a PPP connection. If you are using a login script, you should use
the built-in terminal to verify your login procedure. Some providers will
require you to issue a simple "Send" or "Send ppp" to launch PPP. Some users
even reported, that they had to append "Pause 1" or "Pause 2" to their script
to solve timing conflicts.

If nothing helps, you might obtain some debugging info from your systems log
by issuing: 
# tail /var/log/messages"

------------------------snipp -------------------
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