[fwd] Check out for H-0-T N-E-W-S!
Company Name: I n f l n e x V e n t u r e s, inc.
Lookup: I NFX.PK
Current Price: $0.56
Expected: This one is going to grow at a r a p l d rate.
I n f l n e x V e n t u r e s, Inc . (OTCBB: I N F X . P K) ("the Company") is pleased to
announce that it is in negotiations to acquire an interest in the Bolivar
Property located on Texada Island, British Columbia, Canada. The
Property consists of 23 adjacent mineral claims and 2 crown grants centered
approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 km) west of the town of Vananda, B.C.
Previous drilling programs have outlined a significant resource with a high
concentration of gold. One diamond drill hole across the zone returned
a one-foot (0.3 m) intersection assaying 20.86 oz/ton Gold (714.7 g/t
Trenching, diamond drilling and bulk test sampling of the Bolivar
deposit has revealed numerous spectacular "streaks and stringers" of free
gold in graphitic shear zones. As per Assessment Report 16717, a 1735
tonne bulk sample from the Bolivar pit returned a total of 1032.14 grams
of gold. Inf1nex's pending acquisition of the Bolivar Property is a
strategic one that, along with the Company's interest in the Yew Property,
will provide it with control of a substantial portion of the mining
properties and reserves on Texada Island. Infinex intends to finalize this
acquisition by the end of September.
On Behalf of the Board I n f l n e x V e n t u r e s, Inc Mlchael Rosa, Presid ent
Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or
goals and events may be seen as only Foward
Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining
to any sort of f1 nancial advice need to be
understood as just information and not any real advice. None of the
information above can be constructed as any
sort of financial advice. Confidentiality Statement
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