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Her er en kopi af den mail jeg skrev på debianhelp.org. Håber der er nogen der
kan hjælpe! Hvis I har svært ved at forstå noget, så bare spørg!

I've been using an unofficial Gnome 2.4 repository for some time now. There
was some problems with the panels and som applets, so I hoped for an update.
So yesterday the packages was updated, and I upgraded.

But it began to get the packages from unstable, and I thought cool, finally
some real debian Gnome 2.4 packages.

But after that I can't even start gdm. It says:

error while loading shared libraries: libbonobo-activation.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I've tried to see what files bonobo-activation (wich I think contains the
file) installs, but it is only the copyright file and the changelog.Debian
file... The same thing goes for a lot of other bonobo-packages...

Please help. I can't use my computer, and I have to!

Henrik Brink

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