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Re: /var/run/drives/usbdisk-...

> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 23:30:51 +0200
> From: serni <serni@serni.net>
> Cc: debian-user-catalan@lists.debian.org
> On Thu, 24 May 2007 23:03:00 +0200, Lluis Gili <lluisgili@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Jo tinc també la mateixa distribució, amb el mateix nucli, i vaig
> > instalar "usbmount" i em munta automaticament els usb quan els endollo,
> > sense
> > cap problema
> > tinc instalat el pmount (diria que ja em venia de sèrie) però
> > a /etc/pmount.allow no hi tinc cap usuari
> > 
> > a veure si usbmount et serveix...
> > 
> > salut
> Doncs si serveix però tan sols per a pendrives amb ext2/3 fs, un fat16 no el munta.
> Gràcies ...

Jo faig servir l'usbmount i cal canviar el fitxer de configuració a
/etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf per tal que munti fat16. Afegeixo el
fitxer més avall.



# Configuration file for the usbmount package, which mounts USB mass
# storage devices when they are plugged in and unmounts them when they
# are removed.

# Mountpoints: These directories are eligible as mointpoints for USB
# mass storage devices.  A newly plugged in device is mounted on the
# first directory in this list that exists and on which nothing is
# mounted yet.
MOUNTPOINTS="/media/usb0 /media/usb1 /media/usb2 /media/usb3
             /media/usb4 /media/usb5 /media/usb6 /media/usb7"

# Filesystem types: USB mass storage devices are only mounted if they
# contain a filesystem type which is in this list.
# WARNING!  The vfat filesystem does not yet fully implement sync-mounting. #
# If you include "vfat" in the list of filesystem types, you *MUST* make    #
# sure all data is written to the medium before you remove it (e.g. run the #
# "sync" command in a terminal window).  Otherwise, you *WILL* lose data!   #
FILESYSTEMS="vfat ext2 ext3"

# Mount options: Options passed to the mount command with the -o flag.
# WARNING!  Removing "sync" from the options is a very bad idea and
# might result in severe data loss.

# Filesystem type specific mount options: This variable contains a space sepa-
# rated list of strings, each of which has the form "-fstype=TYPE,OPTIONS".
# If a filesystem with a type listed here is mounted, the corresponding
# options are appended to those specificed in the MOUNTOPTIONS variable.
# For example, "-fstype=vfat,gid=floppy,dmask=0007,fmask=0117" would add the
# options "gid=floppy,dmask=0007,fmask=0117" when a vfat filesystem is mounted.

# If set to "yes", more information will be logged via the syslog
# facility.

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