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Re: Gravar cds, ha de ser fàcil...

Pot ser el que hauries de fer és:
#cdrecord dev=ATAPI -scanbus
I també pot ser hauries de definir el teu dispositiu a /etc/default/cdrecord
Si necessites alguna cosa més, ja ho diràs.
En/na Ferriol ha escrit:


M'estic barallant amb la meva gravadora, que també és torradora ara
mateix m'està torrant allò que no sona...

No se en quin punt de les actualitzacions ha deixat de funcionar,
utilitzo una debian sid.

Fa temps vaig seguir les instruccions del mestre Gallir però ara no hi
ha manera...

Cada cop que intento gravar un cd em peta.
Em podeu passar algun enllaç de com fer la configuració per poder torrar
cds amb tranquilitat ?

He cercat força i no aconseguiexo aclarir-ho

He provat de seguir les instruccions de
però en el pas dos em diu:

# cdrecord dev=ATA: -scanbus
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004
Joerg Schilling
NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of
     and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original version.
     Please send bug reports and support requests to
     The original author should not be bothered with problems of this

cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.12-1-686
cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
scsidev: 'ATA:'
devname: 'ATA'
scsibus: -1 target: -1 lun: -1
Warning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd* interface.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
retrying in 1 second.
cdrecord: Device or resource busy. Cannot open '/dev/hda'. Cannot open
SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'.
cdrecord: For more information, install the cdrtools-doc
cdrecord: package and read /usr/share/doc/cdrecord/README.ATAPI.setup .

Salut !

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