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Re: pasar un woody-stable a sarge-testing

> El perquè posar 50 i 600 i no 10 i 20, per exemple (en el pin-priority) no
> ho sé, em van recomanar això quan vaig fer el pas que et proposes. També
> tenir un anetrada per unstable amb, per exemple, pin-priority també de 50,
> per si tens un mirror d'unstable per baixar-te paquets puntuals (fent, per
> exemple: apt-get install acm -t unstable).

Els meus cinc centims (extret de l'apt-howto, seccio 3.10):

Hi ha rangs de prioritats amb significacions especials, tal com explica el

Let's take a look at how pin priorities work.  A priority lower than 0
indicates that the package should never be installed.  Priorities 0 to 100
denote packages that are not installed and that have no available versions.
These won't come into the version-choosing process.  Priority 100 is the
priority assigned to an installed package - for the installed version of a
package to be replaced by a different version, the replacement must have a
priority greater than 100.

Let's take a look at how pin priorities work. A priority lower than 0
indicates that the package should never be installed. Priorities 0 to 100
denote packages that are not installed and that have no available versions.
These won't come into the version-choosing process. Priority 100 is the
priority assigned to an installed package - for the installed version of a
package to be replaced by a different version, the replacement must have a
priority greater than 100.

Priorities above 100 indicate that a package should be installed. Typically,
the installed version of a package is changed only to upgrade it to a newer
version. Any priority between 100 and 1000 (inclusive) indicates this
typical behavior. A package with such a priority will not downgrade to an
available version with a lower version number. For instance, if I have
sylpheed 0.5.3 installed and define a pin on sylpheed 0.4.99 with priority
999, package 0.4.99 will not be installed to satisfy the pin. To make a
package "downgradable", to satisfy the pin, it needs possess a priority
greater than 1000.

A pin can be specified on a package's version, release or origin. 


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