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Re: Running a script from /etc/ip-up.d

Jiri writes:
> That should be #! and there shouldn't be a space after it.

The space doesn't matter.

> Actually, there's not much point doing this. The reason everything else
> has it is because when you uninstall a package (rather than purge), dpkg
> will leave the ip-up.d script behind and it needs to handle that.

The reason for the test is so that the script will not exit with an error
if the program does not exist.  You're right that it is pointless here.
Dpkg will leave scripts installed in ip-up.d behind on a remove, but the
right way to handle that is for the postinst to make them nonexecutable.

> What's the name of your script? You're only allowed to use letters,
> numbers, dashes and underscores in filenames in the ip-up.d directory

Good point.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
john@dhh.gt.org		   Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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