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Re: next debian stable ?

On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 01:25:16PM -0500, David Krider wrote:
> Chris Kenrick wrote:
> > If you want more of an idea than that, have a look at the Debian web
> > site.  Debian 3.0 was released July 2002.  Debian 2.2 was released
> > August 2000.  So based on that timescale, how does June 2004 sound?
> > :)
> Terrible. But thanks for asking!
> > The typical response to this is "when its done".  Debian being a non 
> > commercial distro doesn't tend to have fixed release dates, and
> > doesn't feel the need to keep up with the Joneses in terms of release
> > schedule, or version numbers for that matter.
> Well, then "they" ought to get used to the idea of being used by an
> increasingly-smaller cross-section of the Linux-using community.

This threat is heard repeatedly year after year; yet debian "user
share" keeps growing.  I wonder why?

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:nnorman@incanus.net
  It doesn't matter what you are doing, emacs is always overkill.
          -- Stephen J. Carpenter

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