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Re: Security through paranoia 2

In thinking about the possibility of creating a more secure
version of debian linux, I wonder if suid programs should
not be automatically compiled with Stack Guard (or the like)
and linked to libs with Format Guard. The Stack Guard part
would be really easy, although Format Guard may be a little
tricky. Would it be possible to create special versions
of the appropriate libs that suid programs would link to
for the Format Guard stuff (which apparently breaks some
programs)? Anyway, these things are non-intrusive and would
contribute to the security of any system. If suid programs
are not compiled with these protections by default, then
it would be really nice to have these security enhanced
versions packaged in a consistent way and retrievable with a
task package.

Other things, such as LIDS or Subdomain, could easily enough
be packaged as kernel patches, much like reiserfs and so
on. Same with selinux... although that replaces a number
of packages as well. Having these things as packages would
allow anyone who was interested to easily add them to their
debian system. No need for a port... admins could pick and
choose with a simple apt-get the security measures they
want, allowing them to create a nicely customized system to
fit their individual needs.

I definitely think that having these things available would
be a boon for debian as a distribution, keeping debian on
the competitive edge. For the most part I don't even think
that it would be all that difficult.

Stack guard:  http://www.immunix.org/stackguard.html
Format guard: http://www.immunix.org/formatguard.html
Subdomain:    http://www.immunix.org/subdomain.html
LIDS:         http://www.lids.org
selinux:      http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/

John Patton                      patton66@home.com
Get my GnuPG public key: finger john@

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

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