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Re: How send mail one user to another/One account?

Jonathan Gift wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> > wanadoo.fr is *not* the local system.  I had this same problem for quite
> > some time.  So, in your /etc/exim.conf file look for the following sections
> > and do something sorta kinda similar.
> > 
> > # Had to comment this line out to get things to work.
> > #qualify_domain = earthlink.net
> > qualify_domain = localnet.here
> > 
> > local_domains = localhost:localnet.here
> > --- End exim.conf sections ---
> > 
> > The localnet.here thing is what exim thinks my domain name is.  And with
> > something like this, I can still do local mail between users, and still get
> > mail out to others on my ISP.
> Two changes?

Yup.  Should be just the two I showed.

> I made them and it doesn't look liek it's bouncing back. Will test
> further. Thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

> Since I don't have the time now to research this further this won't affect
> any of the system's ability to mail the user/me?

Well, I've been running this way for most of a year now and everything has
worked for me here. ::grin:: cron results make it to where they should
without ay extra diddling in the crontab, and composing mail to a user gets
there with just the username in the To line.

I can't make a 100% guarantee that everything will work for you there, but
AFAIK it should.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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